January 21, 2016 Meeting



Thursday, January 21, 2016

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 pm

Human Resources Conference Room


  1. Approval of minutes from the December 10, 2015 meeting
  2. Budget Calendar
    • Apportionment Attendance Report – 320 FTE Report
  3. Budget Update
    • ACBO Budget Workshop




January 21, 2016


Members present:  Brock McMurray, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Jo Ellen Patterson, Barbara Amerio, Sheri Horn-Bunk, Diane Baeza and Sarah Criss as recorder.


Members absent: Agnes Eguaras.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the December 10, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus.
Budget Calendar Update

Brock McMurray updated the progression of the Budget calendar. At this time we have remained on target with the Budget calendar. The latest piece was the Apportionment Attendance Report (320 FTE Report). With work completed from Amber Anderson in Student Services and our consultant, John Mullen, a report based on our Fall Semester Banner figures was submitted. This report helps to project our needed funding for Spring/Summer courses based on FTE figures – both credit FTEs and non-credit FTEs.


Brock provided a copy of Exhibit C from our September 2015 revision report to show our current figures. The compiled figures between credit and non-credit FTE students give us a 2523 FTE base. We have been given a growth FTE rate of 33. This puts the goal FTE figure at 2557. With this figure in mind, the apportionment revenue amount was set at $20,061,961. The numbers between credit and non-credit (including non-credit CDCP) FTEs can fluctuate.


The district can increase course additions in summer and future semesters. The goal of the district is to increase our FTE enrollment steadily over time, in a way that is sustainable. At this time, our FTE figures show we are currently on target to meet our revenue base of $20,061,961.
Budget Update – ACBO Budget Workshop
Brock just returned from the annual ACBO Budget Workshop in Sacramento, where the state and community college district administrators discuss implications from the Governor’s budget that is released each year in January. Brock distributed a copy of a PowerPoint from the workshop. Key points include:

  • Budget shows modest growth but is preparing for a future recession
  • Proposition 98 – Budget will have a K-14 dispersal. At this time that percent is 11% but it could decrease if the economy/stock market continues to fall.
  • Local focus – Due to the volatile state of our local economy (mainly oil industry), our figures are hard to predict. We are also unique in that our numbers are encumbered by a lawsuit in which Occidental (now California Resource Corporation) disputes their net worth. These monies are temporarily held during the dispute and awarded during the legal process.
  • COLA was a disappointing rate of .47%. The concern they also voiced was the ability of districts to meet the rising costs of PERS/STRS with a minimum COLA increase.
  • The Strong Workforce Program – Proposition 98 general funds are being marked to be used by Career Technical Education (CTE) in a way that can help both build and sustain expensive CTE courses. The Governor’s budget was clear that districts are encouraged to support these efforts.
  • The deferred maintenance/instruction equipment funds were increased. It was also written in the budget a majority of the funding to be an ongoing fund, no longer a one-time fund disbursement.
  • Proposition 30 – The sales tax and income tax wording that is currently in place will be ending soon. This returns tax amounts to a lower rate which means changes in funding could be coming.



No other items were discussed.


The next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2016 at 2:10 p.m. in the H.R. Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted:



Sarah Criss