February 11, 2016 Meeting



Thursday, February 11, 2016

2:10 p.m. – 3:30 pm

Cougar Room




  1. Approval of minutes from the January 21, 2016 meeting
  2. Budget Calendar
  3. Other



February 11, 2016


Members present: Brock McMurray, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Jo Ellen Patterson, Barbara Amerio, Diane Baeza and Sarah Criss as recorder.


Members absent: Agnes Eguaras and Sheri Horn-Bunk.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the January 21, 2016 meeting were approved by consensus.
Budget Calendar – Update

Brock McMurray updated the progression of the Budget calendar. A copy of the Budget calendar was distributed. At this time we have remained on target with the Budget calendar. The latest piece was the Apportionment Attendance Report (320 FTE Report).


Upcoming activity will pick up in pace for preparation of the initial 2016-17 budget. Key points include:

  • Program Reviews include budget requests that will be ranked by the Governance Council, Academic Senate, and Classified groups à then forwarded/ranked by Superintendent/President
    • The rankings are a guide to the goal of the district in how to allocate funds but the monies received may not allow for rankings to be approved in order
  • HR will release the step/column increases to budget managers
  • Second Principal Apportionment (P2) will be used to build initial budget
    • Initial budget will list basics along with the possible list of add-ons from the ranked list gathered by the district
  • Governor will release the May revise of the State budget – assumptions/allocations will be made to the District budget as necessary
  • The tentative budget will be presented for approval in June by the WKCCD Board
  • A report of what was included in the budget/funded will be distributed in August
  • Final Budget will be adopted in September


Other Brock McMurray distributed a copy of the Governance Council minutes from the January 22, 2016 meeting. He showed committee members the area in which committee reports were given by various District committees, including his report on the Budget Committee. As the Budget Committee is a sub-committee of the Governance Council, he wanted to show that the committee’s meetings are providing useful information to the Governance Council. The feedback is appreciated.


McMurray also reported he had attended a state workshop for trustees from California districts. This information was similar to his previous ACBO state workshop. The District continues to work along with government representatives to give feedback as well as gather information in areas that pertain to District financial matters.


The next meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2016 at 2:10 p.m. in the H.R. Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted:



Sarah Criss