April 06, 2016 Meeting



Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3:10 p.m. – 4:30 pm

HR Conference Room

  1. Approval of minutes from the February 11, 2016 meeting
  2. Budget Request Funding Sources
  3. Other



April 6, 2016


Members present: Brock McMurray, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Jo Ellen Patterson, Agnes Eguaras and Sarah Criss as recorder.


Members absent: Barbara Amerio and Sheri Horn-Bunk.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the February 11, 2016 meeting were approved by consensus.
Budget Request Funding Sources

Brock McMurray reported that the budget requests from the Program Reviews had been compiled. At this time the Budget Committee needs to go through the non-personnel related requests to make suggestions to possible funding sources for the individual requests. The compiled list of requests were provided and the possible sources were identified. This list can be found in a coordinating document.


It was noted that there are cameras in for video journalism that may be used for campus collaboration for the requests made by Associated Students and Athletics.


Other There were no other items to discuss.


The next meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2016 at 2:10 p.m. in the H.R. Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted:



Sarah Criss