October 08, 2015 Meeting


October 8, 2015 – 2:10 p.m.
Human Resources Conference Room

1. Approval of minutes from the September 10, 2015 meeting
2. Accreditation
3. Evaluation
4. Budget News
5. Other


October 8, 2015


Members Present: Brock McMurray, Barbara Amerio, Bill Devine, Jo Ellen Patterson and recorder, Debbie Hegeman.


Members Absent: Sharyn Eveland, Sheri Horn-Bunk and Agnes Eguaras



The minutes from the meeting held on September 10, 2015 were approved by consensus.



Brock reviewed Dr. Maloney’s email related to the Accreditation Site Visit. We received four commendations which spotlights what we do at Taft College which is over and above normal expectations. There were three recommendations and four deficiencies. He shared his meetings with the Accreditation Site Team regarding Standard 4: Financial data went well. Brock spoke about tying the program review to budgets to close the loop. He said the team didn’t ask much about the committee however praised how we follow the planning process.  They commented favorably on our budget process and our Budget Development Calendar.



Brock discussed the survey responses related to the Budget Committee which were very positive. After reviewing the survey and comments he asked for suggestions on how the committee could be more efficient.  Following are three suggestions made:

  1. Provide minutes from the Governance Council to the Budget
  2. Change the meeting time to 1 ½ hours. It might not be necessary to meet for that length of time however it would be available when
  3. Resend the Charter to the



Brock discussed the 16/17 budget wish list and will have more information after attending the ACBO conference from October 26th – 28th. The list established for proposal includes but may not be limited to the following:

  • $175M Access money
  • 6% COLA
  • $200M Workforce – increase number of students obtaining CTE degrees –
  • $105M ($55 to restore categorical programs and $50 for Student Success)
  • $80M Full time Faculty Hiring
  • $250M General operating cost (main focus is STRS/PERS)
  • $22M Infrastructure/Security
  • $20M Basic Skills
  • $1.5M Outreach
  • $15M Institutional Effectiveness
  • Maintenance/instructional equipment
  • Mandates
  • Cal Grant increases
  • Automatic backfills for revenue



Brock asked the committee for suggestions on what they might like for future agenda items. Any issues which might need clarification or anything which might not be clear such as STRS, PERS and growth formulas could be discussed. Additionally, it was suggested facilities could be addressed during our meetings. He wants to spend this meeting time helping the committee understand our processes so we can be resources for other employees.


Brock shared the Student Center was approved by DSA but we are now accessing the cost of the project to identify if there are enough funds.  We will go to bid once the funding has been confirmed.


Next meeting: November 12, 2015

2:10 p.m. – HR conference room

Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Hegeman