February 12, 2015 Meeting


February 12, 2015 – 2:10 p.m.
Human Resources Conference Room
1. Approval of minutes from the December 11, 2014 meeting
2. Budget Calendar
3. Budget update
4. Other



February 12, 2015

Members Present: Sonja Swenson, Brock McMurray, Sharyn Eveland, Sheri Horn-Bunk, Barbara Amerio, Jo Ellen Patterson and Debbie Hegeman as recorder.

Members Absent: Bill Devine and Agnes Jose-Eguaras

Brock welcomed Jo Ellen Patterson as the newest member of the Budget Committee and she shared her enthusiasm about participating.


The minutes from the meeting held December 11, 2014 were approved by consensus.

The minutes from November 20, 2014 were not approved as a result of a quorum. As they weren’t available during this meeting, the committee agreed they should be emailed to the members for approval.


Brock reviewed our current status related to the Budget Calendar.

January 1. Brock attended the Governors meeting where the 15-16 proposed budgets were released.

  1. Dena is currently reviewing the positions requested based on recommendations.
  2. The Governance Council, Academic Senate and Classified units have ranked resource requests from the program reviews.

February 1. Budget assumptions made – preliminary revenue allocations being established and presented to GC. (Currently being reviewed)

  1. Budget managers are working with faculty and staff to identify budget needs and resource allocations for the needs (in progress, Program Review)
  2. HR distributed step and column for all employees to budget mangers.

He also reminded the committee we would continue to review the calendar at each meeting so the members feel comfortable when asked questions related to the process.


  • Governor is focused on Student Success. The SS initiative identified 22-24 areas of student success.
  • Last year the Matriculation Budget (now 3SP) received approximately $427,000 however received a substantial increase in funding to $1M. There were several steps to be completed to earn this money such as submit a program plan for approval to the State.
  • Student Equity began last year with a $235,000 although there should be more received which would be connected to students succeeding at a lower rate than other students in their group.
  • Also being discussed is increasing the schools base – this would be very helpful in funding the upcoming increases facing the Districts related to STRS/PERS.
  • Increased access on growth (possibly 2%) with an earn it to get it approach. It is being recommended to move forward with growth but to change the formula.
  • Possible COLA of 1.5%


Budget Committee Minutes

February 12, 2015

Page 2

  • 49M towards equalization rate
  • 48M to support Career Technology education
  • 6M Prop 39 money – energy efficiency money
  • Deferred maintenance money
  • 353M to pay down outstanding Mandate Claims.
  • 500M Adult Education Block Grant – proposed but no one is sure how it will roll out.



Tax revenues for Kern County are low however we should be back filled to 100% from the state.

(The agenda, minutes and handouts from this meeting will be available on the Intranet)

Respectfully submitted by:


Debbie Hegeman

Supporting Docs