October 01, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, October 1, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cougar Room



Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Approval of Minutes of August 29, 2018 Meeting (1 minute)
2. Accreditation Midterm Report (10 minutes)
3. Credit Hour Calculations (10 minutes)

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Distance Education Updates (17 Minutes)
    1.  Staffing
    2. Process for DE Course Approval
    3. Status of CVC-OEI Implementation
  2. California Academic Pathways Partnership Capacity Building Grant Update (5
  3. Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons (1 minute)
  4. Minimum Qualifications (PDF) and Equivalency: Local Senate Visit from Academic
    Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), January 17 (2 Minutes)
  5. ASCCC 2018 Fall Plenary; November 1-3, Irvine (1 Minute)
  6. Academic Senate Succession Planning: February Elections (1 Minute)

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, October 17, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, November 5, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, October 1, 2018

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron, Sara Wallace, Lori Sundgren, Juana Escobedo, Janis Mendenhall, Lourdes Gonzalez, Heather Silvis, Diane Jones, Tony Thompson, Ruby Payne, Shelley Getty, Jill Brown, Jennifer Altenhofel, Tina Mendoza, David Layne, Michelle Oja, Robin Polski, Darcy Bogle, Joe’ll Chaidez, Adam Bledsoe, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Joy Reynolds, Paul Blake, Antonio Alfaro, Kristi Richards, Tori Furman, David Mitchell, Amar Abbott,

Guests: Debra Daniels, Brandy Young

The meeting was called to order at 12:09 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Action Items

Approval of Minutes of August 29, 2018 Meeting

  • On a motion by David Layne, second by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, abstained by Michelle Oja, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Accreditation Midterm Report

  • The most recent version of the Midterm Report was emailed out.
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, second by Michelle Oja, The Accreditation Midterm Report was approved.

Credit Hour Calculations

  • Vicki Jacobi presented the changes to AP 4020 as approved by the Curriculum Committee.
  • Course Outline of Records will be updated as they come up for review.
  • On a motion by Jennifer Altenhofel, second by Tori Furman, the update language to AP 4020 was approved.

Information/Discussion Items

Distance Education Updates

  1. Staffing: Adam Bledsoe is the Distance Education Coordinator as a temporary extra duty assignment. Nicole Avina is full-time, Heather Cash is part-time permanent, and two additional part-time employees have been hired (one permanent and the other temporary).
  2. Process for DE Course Approval: complete the 10 question form; a module does not have to be created in advance of approval.
  3. Status of CVC-OEI Implementation: Adam Bledsoe presented a handout with a summary of Finish Faster California Virtual Campus (CVC)- Online Education Initiative (OEI) Course Exchange and a list of CVC-OEI Technologies including cost and implementation status. Look for professional development opportunities on the January in-service schedule.

California Academic Pathways Partnership (CAPP) Capacity Building Grant Update

  • Juana Escobedo presented a CAPP timeline with activity description handout.
  • Lori Sundgren added that the purpose of the capacity building grant is to remain brief and broad while starting the conversation with Taft Union High School.
  • Jennifer Altenhofel asked about including Maricopa High School and Buena Vista High School in the grant activities. The CCAP team advised to start with one high school and if the activity is successful then scale the activities to include more schools.

Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons

  • The situation is confusing because in 2015 when the CTE Liaison position was announced the AS constitution and bylaws were being re-developed. AS made CTE Liaison part of the ASC and elected Tori Furman. Now, the Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons are volunteers from ASC.
  • Vicki Jacobi has designated herself as the Guided Pathways Liaison and the Noncredit Liaison given all the conversations around AB 705.
  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes will volunteer as the Legislative Liaison once approved by the Senate.

Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency: Local Senate Visit from Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), January 17

  • Reviewed AP 7211
  • Representatives from ASCCC will provide an in-service training on faculty minimum qualifications and equivalency January 17.
  • Faculty minimum qualifications are set by the state. There is a mechanism to change/update the qualifications through the Academic Senate and recommendations then made to the CCCCO.
  • There was a discussion as to if Human Resources should or should-not be pre-screening applications for minimum qualifications and/or equivalency prior to the meeting of the screening committee members. It was suggested that HR attend the ASCCC training.

ASCCC 2018 Fall Plenary; November 10, Irvine

  • Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, and Tori Furman will be attending.

Academic Senate Succession Planning: February Elections

  • Geoffrey Dyer is completing a second two-year-term as Academic Senate President.
  • Candace Duron is completing a two-year-term as Academic Senate Secretary.
  • The compensation for officers has been increased; maybe that will encourage people to participate.
  • There are also several ASC volunteer positions up for election.

Other/Open Forum

  • Michelle Oja has a concern regarding dual enrollment. She was directed to contact the Dual Enrollment Committee. They will be meeting on Wednesday.

Meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved as corrected 11.05.18