February 05, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Monday, February 5, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the January 10, 2018 Meeting

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Welcome to New Members (1 Minute)
  2. Revisions to AP 4240: Academic Renewal (5 Minutes)
  3. Updated Strategic Planning Committee Charter (5 Minutes)

Action Items

  1. Election of CTE Liaison and LSD, MS, and SS Representatives to Academic

Senate Council (4 Minutes)
5. Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions (Second Reading) (5

  1. Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion (10 Minutes)
  2. Dual Enrollment Committee Charter (8 Minutes)
    8. Academic Policies and Procedures Charter Revisions (8 Minutes)
    9. Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards (4 Minutes)
    Other/Open Forum for Announcements





Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 21 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, March 5, at noon in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, February 5, 2018

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary, Candace Duron, Lori Sundgren, Mike Jiles, Robin Polski, Adrian Agundez, Shawn Newson, Jennifer Altenhofel, Jessica Grimes, Tina Mendoza, Kamala Carlson, Amar Abbott, Janis Mendenhall, Debora Rodenhauser, Sharyn Eveland, Mike Mayfield, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, John Eigenauer, Tori Furman, Lourdes Gonzalez, Adam Bledsoe, David Mitchell, Ruby Payne, Bill Devine, Juana Escobedo, Diane Jones, Dan Hall

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order at 12:09 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of the January 10, 2018 Senate Minutes

  • On a motion from Diane Jones, Second by Ruby Payne, minutes approved as corrected.

 Welcome to New Members

  • Welcome to Shawn Newson, adjunct History Instructor
  • Welcome Bradley Zumbro, adjunct Speech Instructor
  • Welcome Adrian Agundez, adjunct Computer Science Instructor
  • Welcome Natalie Woodall, adjunct EOPS/CalWORKs Counselor
  • The total number of Academic Senate members is 62.

Revisions to AP 4240: Academic Renewal

  • There were two different draft revisions to AP 4240 and a third that was a combination of the two.
  • Darcy Bogle found errors and had concerns with the third draft.
  • Sharyn Eveland found the PTK information to be unclear.
  • The draft will be sent back to the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee.

Updated Strategic Planning Committee Charter

  • The Strategic Planning Committee is not an AS subcommittee but it deals with 10+1 topics.
  • The charter was updated; membership was changed now that the IR Chair is no longer a faculty member.
  • Ruby Payne noted a grammatical error, top paragraph third sentence, missing the word in between participation and structure.
  • The SPC committee is important in Program Review, Governance Council, and Strategic Action Plan.

Elections of CTE Liaison and LSD, MS, and SS Representatives to Academic Senate Council

  • The CTE Liaison, Math and Science, Social Science and Learning Support Division Representatives have all served a 2-year complete term.
  • Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Mike Jiles, and Juana Escobedo all accept nominations to continue serving their respective area/division.
  • Call for nominations: none.
  • Congratulations, all four will continue to represent their division on ASC.

Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions (Second Reading)

  • After the first reading, all were in agreement except for one area: 2/3 vote in Academic Senate of the whole.
    • The minutes reflect: On a motion from Michelle Oja, seconded by Deborah Rodenhouser, requiring 2/3 votes to pass a resolution in Academic Senate of the whole with 22 YES, 18 NO, 4 abstained, the motion failed.
    • The motion was made for something that already exists, this should not have been allowed.
    • Currently it is two-thirds vote needed to approve and two-thirds vote needed to amend a resolution.
    • On a motion by Bill Devine, seconded by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, to change the language that resolution require simple majority, opposed Jennifer Altenhofel, Amar Abbott, Sharyn Evenland, Mike Jiles, abstained by Tori Furman and Tina Mendoza. The motion passed.
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Jessica Grimes, the Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revision second reading was approved.

Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion

  • The OEI Consortium is an application process; even if we decide to apply we may not be selected to participate.
  • Benefits to the campus:
    • Online tools for all faculty and all students to use
    • Course evaluation and instructional design help for classes to meet the OEI rubric standard.
    • Various classes/programs with low enrollment could offer on the exchange with the possibility of increasing enrollment.
    • Possible increase in completion as students can take a class that may not be offered at TC through the CID approved classes in the exchange. The students can register in a streamlined process without having to apply to the other participating campus.
  • The consortium participation requires 10% of distance education courses to be offered in the exchange within two semesters and 20% within four semesters. Based on the current numbers, 20% would be 18 courses.
  • Courses are approved per individual section. Currently there are 90 online sections.
  • With Bakersfield College’s new South West Center and the Governor’s announcement of an online college, we may want to increase what we are known for and do well. TC has a reputation for online classes.
  • On a motion by Vicki Jacobi, seconded by Sharyn Eveland, opposed by Greg Golling and Mike Mayfield, abstained by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes and Jessica Grimes, the OEI Consortium Expansion application to participate was approved.

Dual Enrollment Committee Charter

  • There were a few changes recommended by ASC to the membership language.
  • On a motion by Ruby Payne, seconded by Mike Jiles, the Dual Enrollment Committee Charter was approved.

Academic Policies and Procedures Charter Revisions

  • Updates to the membership were made with the addition of a faculty co-chair.
  • On a motion by Mike Jiles, second by Sharyn Eveland, abstained by Candace Duron, the Academic Policies and Procedures Charter revisions were approved.

Academic Senate Faulty Excellence Awards

  • Jessica Grimes and Michelle Oja worked on a process and criteria for Faculty Excellence Awards for faculty who participate in 10+1 issues.
  • The process asks for recognition to occur during the Celebration of Success dinner; the recommendation was made for the recognition to occur during the August Senate-of-the-Whole meeting during in-service.
  • On a motion by Kelley Kulzer-Reyes, seconded by Mike Jiles, abstained by Diane Jones, the Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards process and criteria with recognition to occur during the August Senate-of-the-whole meeting during in-service was approved.

Other/Open Forum

  • Geoffrey Dyer is considering creating a spreadsheet to track the officers and ASC representative terms because he didn’t realize that Vicki Jacobi has completed her two-year term as Vice President of the Academic Senate. Nominations will be on the next agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Minutes approved March 5, 2018

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