March 17, 2017 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
Friday, March 17, 2017
Café Conference Room
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
1. Assessment Guidebook – Updates: ISLO matrix
2. Rubric – Critical Thinking ISLO
3. SLO Day – Fall 2017
* Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017
* Tract subjects for training – structure
4. May In-service
* SLO Assessment Planning/Training on the 3rd day


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee

March 17, 2017
Café Conference Room
11:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Present:           Paul Blake, Vicki Jacobi, Abbas Jarrahian, Mike Jiles, James May, Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser, and Terri Smith

Members Absent: Michelle Beasley and Melissa Thornsberry

Secretary: Brandy Young

Assessment Guide – Updates
The Assessment Guide is mostly complete. There are some minor ongoing updates that will take place. The current Guide has been uploaded to the SLO website and will be added to the Faculty Handbook. Vicki made the suggested changes to the ISLO matrix. Discipline Content and Evaluation has been removed. The changes are as shown: (please see downloadable version below).

Rubric – Critical Thinking ISLO
The rubric was originally on the agenda for the Academic Senate Council for review. This item was not discussed due to time constraints. Vicki gave a brief history on the development of the rubric. John Eigenauer introduced it to the Academic Senate. Cal State Bakersfield has reviewed it. Cal State uses the same three criteria: Argument Analysis, Argument Evaluation, and Argument Construction. The next step is to use the rubric to evaluate the Critical Thinking ISLO during fall inservice 2017.

SLO Day – Fall 2017
* Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017
* Tract subjects for training – structure

There was brief discussion on what should be offered during fall inservice SLO Day. The discussion was as follows:

  • According to the feedback, faculty liked the different sessions offered.
  • Vicki stated that she will continue to offer a session on Introduction to eLumen and Assessment. It is important that adjunct faculty and new faculty have an opportunity to attend these.
  • Assessing the Critical Thinking ISLO and developing a plan.
  • Mapping CSLOs to Critical Thinking. The 2000 level courses should be mapped. Either faculty need to directly assess the ISLO or CSLO should be mapped to ISLO.
  • Discussing the ISLO Computation for Quantitative Analysis – Vicki will send out the information she found on this. (White Papers).
  • I Wonder and What if for the Communication ISLO.
  • Implementing strategies for Global Awareness. Revisit Global Awareness ISLO report.
  • Mapping of two year plans to the schedule of courses and review SLO patterns. The Catalog Committee would like to link the two year plans to the catalog so students could see the suggested sequence of courses. SLOs should match up with the sequence of courses. Involve the Counselors in the discussion.
  • Vicki will put together a draft schedule of sessions for SLO Day

May In-service
* SLO Assessment Planning/Training on the 3rd day
If there is a need for another session on the 3rd day of May inservice one of the possible offerings could be the integration of eLumen and Canvas. Advanced Canvas training will be offered. The idea would be to introduce the eLumen feature as well to roll out in the fall. Vicki will work with Dan Hall to see how this might work.

Another idea suggested was assessment planning since the day will last 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

 Next Meeting: Friday, April 21, 2017 in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young