February 24, 2017 Meeting


Student Learning Outcome Assessment Steering Committee

Friday, February 24, 2017

Café Conference Room

11:00 am – 12:00 pm


  1. Welcome
  2. Continue review of two quality rubrics
    1. ISLO
    2. PSLO
  3. Status of Assessment Guidebook
  4. ISLO Critical Thinking revisions approved by Senate
    1. Assessment criteria for next year
  5. SLO Spring Evaluations
  6. Fall 2017 SLO Day planning session
  7. Other?
  8. Next meeting—March 17 th


February 24, 2017
Café Conference Room
11:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Present: Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Mike Jiles, Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser, and Terri Smith

Members Absent: Michelle Beasley, Paul Blake, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, and
Melissa Thornsberry

Secretary: Brandy Young

Welcome – Vicki welcomed the group and thanked them for meeting at the special time.

Continue Review of Two Quality Rubrics
In the Strategic Action Plan, objective 5.2.1 the action step states: Develop and apply a rubric to measure quality of current institutional level SLOs.
Vicki adapted the Rubric for Assessing the Quality of Academic Program Learning Outcomes from F:\PUBLICATIONS\Resources\080430_Rubric.doc

This document is a rubric that has 5 criterion to assess the creation process of PSLOs:
* Comprehensive List
* Assessable Outcomes
* Alignment
* Assessment Planning
* Student Experience

The scale of the rubric is as so:
* Initial (5 pts)
* Emerging (10 pts)
* Developed (15 pts)
* Highly Developed (20 pts)

The rubric can also evaluate an entire program with regards to SLOs. It was asked what the purpose of this rubric would be. It was stated that this rubric could be used as a resource in the SLO Assessment Guide for those developing a new program and writing PSLOs. It was also asked who would be reviewing the rubric against the PSLOs and new programs. This conversation will continue in future meetings to outline what the role of the SLO/ASC will be.

Status of Assessment Guidebook
Vicki gave a brief update on the status of the Assessment Guide. She stated that the Guide is a continuous work in progress. Points of conversation:
* The SLO section of the Integrated Planning Model – the current 6 year cycle
* General Education SLOs and ISLOs – creating assessment and evaluation cycles
* Remove Evaluate and Discipline Content from the Model to keep momentum going within the cycle
* Vicki will create a couple of different samples for the assessment cycle for ISLOs and will bring back to the Committee for review and discussion
SLO Spring Evaluations & Fall 2017 SLO Day
The actual evaluations from spring inservice were not presented but other discussions were had:
* Conversations regarding the Critical Thinking ISLO took place during spring inservice
* It was suggested that spring inservice be used to evaluate ISLOs
* A Critical Thinking rubric will be presented to the Academic Senate in March
* Cal State Bakersfield gave feedback on the rubric and suggested a few signature assessments
* The ideas for setting up Critical Thinking assessments would be shared during fall inservice while faculty are setting up their courses
* It was suggested that for future SLO Day inservice activities – smaller breakout sessions be offered. For example: The same “class” but many sections with small groups
* Vicki will bring a draft list of activities for fall inservice to the next meeting for discussion

Next Meeting: Friday, March 17, 2017 in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young