October 16, 2015 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
October 16, 2015
Cafe Conference Room
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

1. Approval of Minutes from September 18, 2015
2. Review Charter and Approve
3. Review Course Level SLO Status – SLO Presentation Report Feedback
4. ACCJC Standards – Discussion
5. Presentation of Studio Arts Program


October 16, 2015
Café Conference Room
8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Present: Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Abbas Jarrahian, Michael Jiles, James May,
Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser and Brandy Young

Absent: Paul Blake, Michelle Beasley and Mark Williams

Approval of Minutes from September 18, 2015
The minutes from September 18, 2015 were approved without changes.

Review Charter and Approve
The charter was reviewed and approved with the following changes:
First Page
The fourth bullet will now read, “Using the current accreditation standards, identify areas to improve the college’s progress in student learning outcomes and take action to move the college forward in using assessment data for decision making.”
The seventh bullet will now read, “Ensure that faculty are in the primary position of authority in these processes.”
The eighth bullet will now read, “Establish and facilitate assessment practices that are meaningful and will improve student learning outcomes.”
Add a twelfth bullet that reads, “Give input to the Strategic Planning Committee, the Curriculum and General Education Committee and Academic Senate on the role of Student Learning Outcomes in Annual Program Review and Comprehensive Program Review.”

Second Page
The first bullet will now read, “The Chair is responsible for reviewing minutes, processing requests, and building agendas and briefs in advance of monthly meetings.”
The third bullet will now read, “The committee as a whole will draft policies, guide college-wide action, and identify and provide resources as appropriate to the culture of Taft College and accreditation standards.”

Review Course Level SLO Status – SLO Presentation Report Feedback
Committee members were asked to take the SLO Presentation report back to their divisions for review and “clean-up” of SLOs. Discipline faculty were asked to review the course SLOs and make changes or deletions where needed. Two divisions turned in their changes: Math/Science and Liberal Arts.

ACCJC Standards
At the September 18th meeting it was recommended that each committee member familiarize themselves with the current ACCJC standards and how they relate to SLOs. This agenda item was not discussed directly at this meeting but will remain on the agenda for future discussion.

Presentation of Studio Arts Program
Vicki gave a presentation on the structure of the Studio Arts AA-T degree and demonstrated the flow of SLOs from the course level up to the institutional level through the program.

New members of the committee had questions regarding the actual role of SLO/ASC. They wanted to know what part the committee played in the development of SLOs. There is a question of where the authority lies in the SLO assessment process. It was recommended that the committee develop a policy regarding the SLO process, mainly how many SLOs should be assessed per semester, and present it to the Academic Senate.

Next Meeting: November 20, 2015 – 8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room
Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young