November 23, 2015 Meeting


Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
November 23, 2015
Cafe Conference Room
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Special Meeting Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2015
Selection of focus area to begin formulating the SLO Policy
1. Timeframe for assessments
2. Number of SLOs per course
3. Schedule of assessments
4. Additional assessments – other SLOs, course, program, Institutional and Gen Ed


Special Meeting Minutes
November 23, 2015
Café Conference Room
8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Present: Michelle Beasley, Paul Blake, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi,
Michael Jiles, Tina Mendoza, Debora Rodenhauser and Brandy Young

Absent: Abbas Jarrahian and Mark Williams

Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2015
The minutes from November 20, 2015 were approved without changes.

Selection of focus area to begin formulating SLO Policy
Vicki Jacobi submitted a draft Board Policy proposal for Student Learning Outcomes. The proposal reads as follows:

Student Learning Outcomes
Reference: (anything in Ed Code; Title 5; US Department of Education Regulations….; 34 Code of Federal Regulations; ACCJC Accreditation Standards [I.A.2; I.B.1; I.B.2; I.B.5; I.B.6; I.B.8; I.C.1; I.C.3; I.C.4; II.A.1; II.A.3, II.A.12; II.A.13; II.A.16; 11.B.3; II.C.2; III.A.6; IV.C.8)
The courses and programs of the District shall be of the highest quality and, as such shall be assessed to determine level and depth to ensure student learning, allowing for collegial discussions for continuous improvement. To that end, the District shall relay primarily on the Academic Senate for establishment of procedures in consultation with the Superintendent/ President or designee, for the development and review of all Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) including their establishment, modification, or discontinuance.
Furthermore, these procedures shall include:
1. Appropriate involvement of the faculty and Academic Senate in robust, campus-wide dialogue
2. Five (5) year review (or sooner) of SLOs within context of Course Outline of Record and Comprehensive Program Review
3. Assessment of Learning Outcomes and describe learning gaps
4. Consideration of outcome data disaggregated by subpopulations to identify performance gaps
5. Application of outcome data through the Annual Program Review process as evidence for resource allocation

The draft Board Policy was discussed in detail and the Committee agreed to submit the proposal to the Academic Senate on December 7, 2015. The Committee was also in agreement to begin with the Board Policy and once approved develop the Academic Procedures to uphold the policy. The Committee will focus on the four areas originally recommended at the November 20th meeting:
1. Timeframe for assessments
2. Number of SLOs per course
3. Schedule of assessments
4. Additional assessments – other SLOs, Course, Program, Institutional, and Gen Ed

In order to address item number four: Additional Assessments, the alignment of CSLOs to PSLOs will need to be completed by all instructional departments. An eLumen demonstration using the Direct Support Education degree will take place at the next SLO/ASC meeting. This demonstration will help to familiarize the Committee members with the mapping/alignment function within eLumen. The goal is to present the mapping/alignment function to faculty on SLO Day during the January inservice.
Other discussion regarding SLO Day and addressing the “How” and “Why” questions:
Start with PSLO foundation on SLO Day then work on Program Review (analyze Outcomes Data), once completed link CSLOs to PSLOs.
To answer the “Why” question:
1. Future Board Policy, ACCJC Standards, and Department of Education
2. Continuous improvement – Code of Ethics
3. Structure – to assess
4. Program Review and resource allocation

Next Meeting – Monday, November 30, 2015 at 8:10 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the Cougar Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young