September 19, 2014 Meeting


Friday, September 19, 2014
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Cougar Room
1. Welcome Back – Introductions
2. Charter – Mission – Meeting Structure
3. eLumen Demonstration


Friday, September 19, 2014

8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Cougar Room

Members Present:      Jennifer Altenhofel, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Michelle Oja, Brandy Young

Guests Present:          Mark Williams

  1. Charter – Mission – No changes to the Charter for this 2014/2015 year.
  2. SLO Alternate Faculty Committee Assignments – Mark Williams

Mark distributed a handout outlining the formation of ad hoc workgroups to review course and program level outcomes. The outcome of this exercise is to ensure that the SLOs are meaningful, measurable, minimal and complete. The three faculty chosen to lead the group are Michelle Beasely, Stephanie Walsh, and Tori Furman. Some comments made:

  • We need to try and include faculty from the Math/Science division
  • We need to elevate the conversation
  • We need focus time – always running to catch up
  • There are too many SLOs – baroque
  • The focus of many course SLOs are on grading
  • A good example of course SLOs used by David Layne include the components Cognitive – K, Psychomotor – S, and Affective – A
  • Some faculty have varying approaches to SLOs


Mark also discussed the SLO conference at Bakersfield College on November 17th. It has not been decided who will be invited to attend. That depends on the budget.


  1. eLumen Demonstration – Brandy Young

Brandy gave a brief demonstration of the “new” eLumen. There are new features that will enable faculty to tie SLO assessment data to program review and budget allocation. Navigation is more intuitive and training will begin this fall semester.