October 17, 2014 Meeting


Friday, October 17, 2014
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Counseling Conference Room
1. Introduction – New SLOASC member Michael Jiles
2. Follow Up on Curriculum Discussion/SLOASC Charter
3. Update on SLO Alternate Committee Assignment Task Force
4. Summary of 2014 SLO Conference & Strengthening Student Success Conference

  • Key points of interest


Friday, October 17, 2014

8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Counseling Conference Room

Members Present:        Joe’ll Chaidez, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Michelle Oja, and Brandy Young

Members Absent:         Michael Jiles

Guests Present:            Jill Brown, Michelle Beasley, and Paul Blake

  1. Introduction – New SLOASC member Michael Jiles – Not present
  2. Follow Up on Curriculum Discussion/SLOASC Charter


Mark and Vicki have been discussing how to integrate SLOs in to the Curriculum process. When CORs are reviewed in Curriculum, should SLOs be reviewed as well? The question is should the responsibility be that of the Curriculum committee or SLO/ASC? Some key points of discussion:

  • PSLOs and CSLOs aren’t “dovetailed”
  • Do our SLOs follow the spirit of what faculty want which is for students to learn
  • Need to elevate CSLOs so that they are outcome based and not learning objectives
  • The Liberal Arts Emphasis -Communication PowerPoint presentation slides were reviewed – this presentation was given at the Curriculum committee meeting. The curriculum committee has given SLOASC the task of evaluating
  • The Liberal Arts Emphasis – Communication degree will be the first degree to be evaluated focusing on CSLOs and PSLOs
  • Vicki is working with Dan Hall to create a virtual grid/matrix to help align CSLOs and PSLOs. This will be incorporated with the eLumen mapping tool.

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee

  1. Update on SLO Alternate Committee Assignment Task Force The SLO Alternative Committee Assignment Task Force members are Michelle Beasley, Jill Brown, Paul Blake, Tori Furman, and Stephanie Walsh. The task force has been charged with creating a rubric to measure SLOs. The task force used the Degree Qualifications Profile created by the Lumina Foundation as a starting point. The rubric is still a work in progress.
  2. Summary of 2014 SLO Conference & Strengthening Student Success Conference


  • Vicki discussed a presentation by Dr. Marshall from Cal State San Bernadino. An example from the presentation was based on CSLOs. Three major factors should be represented in CSLOs. 1. Who the audience is. 2. What the behavior is. 3. What the context is.
  • Vicki expressed that it would be great to have Dr. Marshall visit the TC campus for a presentation or possibly obtain a video of his presentation.