September 21, 2012 Meeting


Friday, September 21, 2012
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cougar Room
1. Quick update on SLO Implementation Report
2. Review Charter
3. Next Steps
1. Authentic Assessment
2. Training for Adjuncts
3. Set Action Items to be completed by the next meeting.
4. Set Long Term Goals


Friday, September 21, 2012 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Cougar Room

Present: Vicki Herder, David Layne, Geoffrey Dyer, Michelle Oja, David Reynolds

Absent: Brandy Cramer, Joe’ll Chaidez

  • Members agreed to move the meetings to the 3rd Friday from 11 am to 10 am so that Jennifer Altenhofel can join the committee. Also welcome to Michelle Oja as a new committee member.
  • Vicki provided an update on the SLO Implementation report, having presented the report to the Academic Senate and approval from the Board of Trustees. Still collecting some final evidence and should mail the report on or before October 8, 2012. Report is due on October 15, 2012.
  • Geoffrey Dyer reported that the English department added a new program SLO based on other SLOs as well as improvements he made to his English class based on findings from course level SLOs.
  • We discussed the Evidence Based Reasoning results shared during in-service faculty reports. Vicki reported that there were about 600 individual assessments (although some of those may be duplicate headcounts). Some of the feedback was that some people could not asses based on the rubric. Dave asked if changes could be made to the rubric. The committee was encouraged to discuss changes with their division and provide revision to Vicki.
  • Discussed the mapping of course SLOs to program and institutional SLOs. This lead to discussing the addition of a new ISLO of information competency. Vicki said she would bring information back to the group on this SLO for the next meeting.
  • Members were asked to have their divisions complete the Roadmap to Sustainability form as well as the Questionnaire of Teaching Goals Inventory. David Layne indicated an interest in helping to analyze the results of the questionnaire.
  • The office will be setting up training for Authentic Assessment as well as working with divisions of the training of adjunct faculty.
  • Summary of action items-committee members to request of their divisions to finish the mapping of SLOs, return the Roadmap to Sustainability form to Brandy, complete the questionnaire. Encourage the assessment of evidence based reasoning and provide feedback of suggestions of revisions. Vicki to bring research on information competency to the next meeting.


Minutes by Vicki Herder