October 19, 2012 Meeting


Friday, October 19, 2012
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Cougar Room
1. Evidence Based Reasoning Report 10 Min.
a. Rubric Revisions – feedback from Divisions
2. ISLO Information Competency information 5 Min.
3. Authentic Assessment Training – Status 5 Min.
4. Roadmap to Sustainability & Questionnaire – Status update 5 Min.
a. Set date to analyze data for review during spring inservice
5. eLumen Mapping – CSLOs, PSLOs, ISLOs. 5 Min.
6. Strengthening Student Success conference – Summary 15 Min.
7. Set Action Items to be completed by the next meeting. 5 Min.
8. Set Long Term Goals to be completed by spring inservice. 10 Min.


Friday, October 19, 2012

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Present: Jennifer Altenhoffel, Brandy Cramer, Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Herder Michelle Oja, David Reynolds

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 21, 2012

The Minutes from September 21, 2012 were approved unanimously with

changes to the members Present section. Removed Linda West and Joe’ll


  1. Evidence Based Reasoning Report
  • A handout was distributed covering the Evidence Based Reasoning assessment results. The assessment results were summarized and the assessment scores were discussed. Three divisions participated, 11 courses were assessed; there were 425 separate assessment scores. Committee members discussed different aspects of critical thinking and the outlying factors that have an impact on student learning. For example: tutoring in APA format for research papers. The committee also discussed the fact that 11 courses assessed is just a starting point and can be built upon with more assessment participation.
  • Action Item: Committee members have been asked to take the report back to their divisions to discuss how this data applies to their programs. Can this information be used for program review? **Express the importance of assessment participation so that a clear and concise evaluation of reporting can be provided. Please bring feedback to the next meeting for discussion. .
  1. ISLO Information Competency
  • A handout of a sample rubric for Information Literacy was distributed. Action Item: Committee members have been asked to review the
  • Taft College Academic Development Committee minutes, October 17, 2012, where the ADC defines information literacy as, “Identify, locate, and ethically use appropriate research”. Please discuss this rubric with your divisions and bring feedback to the next meeting for discussion. The ADC minutes will be emailed to committee
  1. Authentic Assessment Training -Status
  • The committee discussed how to proceed with authentic assessment and training. Authentic assessment is on the horizon and will be a large focus area for the new 2014 ACCJC standards. Key topics discussed:
    • Points of assessment; are faculty measuring what they should?
    • Need to evaluate the assessment process. Are they measuring correctly? Is there solidarity?


  • Suggestions made:
    • Provide a questionnaire to faculty at the beginning of the semester to find out what mode and type of assessment will be used.
    • Create a list of different assessment ideas for faculty to choose from.
    • Provide more resources on the webpage for faculty to access.
    • Provide training for adjunct faculty.


  1. Roadmap to Sustainability & Questionnaire – Status Update
  • Action Item: Please remind the members of your division to complete the Roadmap to Sustainability form and turn it in to Vicki. There is also an SLO mailbox in the mailroom. These forms will help to prove that Taft College is at the sustainability level on the ACCJC rubric for Institutional Effectiveness.
  • Action Item: Please ask the members of your division if they completed the Teaching Goals Inventory (online survey). If they did but did not print it out for Vicki, please ask them to do it again. Once completed, please print out the results and turn in to Vicki or to the SLO mailbox. This survey will help to facilitate the process in improving the authentic assessment activity. An email with the attached Review and Revisions form will be provided. This form has the link to the survey as well as the Roadmap to Sustainability form.


  1. Strengthening Student Success Conference Summary
  • Vicki gave a brief summary of the Student Success conference held in Costa Mesa. This year’s topic was Embracing and Leading Change. The areas of focus were: strengthening connections with other community college practitioners, students and stakeholders; strengthening understanding of critical issues that shape student success in California community colleges; and gaining practical examples of how colleges are helping to improve student outcomes.
  1. eLumen Mapping – CSLOs, PSLOs, ISLOs
  • Course SLOs can be mapped to Program and Institutional level SLOs through the eLumen matrices. The eLumen mapping tool was displayed using the English AA program as an example.
  • Action Item: Please remind the Program Leads in your division to log in to eLumen and map the CSLOs to the PSLOs and ISLOs using the matrices. If Program Leads need assistance, please ask them to call Brandy at ext. 7944.
  1. Set Action Items

Please see all underlined items in minutes.

  1. Set Long Term Goals to be completed by spring inservice
  • Provide authentic assessment training for adjunct instructors.
  • Provide more resources for authentic assessment for all faculty.
  • Have all Roadmap to Sustainability forms completed and turned in.
  • Have all Teaching Goals Inventory surveys completed and turned in.