October 06, 2017 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Counseling Center Conference Room


  1. Review Charter
  • Committee Role
  • Membership


  1.             ACCJC Mid-Term Report
  • Content
  • Timeline
  • Leads


  1. Proportionality Index – Sharyn Eveland


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Friday, October 6 2017

Counseling Center Conference Room


Present: Primavera Arvizu, Oleg Bespalov, Sarai Carrillo, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling,
and Van Poncetta
Absent: Severo Balason, Amanda Bauer, Tony Cordova, Vicki Jacobi, and Mark Williams

Secretary: Brandy Young

Two students from Professor Mike Jiles’ Political Science class attended the meeting. They introduced themselves to the committee.

Charter Review
The committee reviewed the Charter and had these recommended changes:

  • Add Accreditation process to item (1) Oversee the Strategic Planning process
  • Add and processes; as identified in ACCJC Standard I to item (2)
  • Update the Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning to Chair
  • Remove Chair title from VPI and VPSS
  • Add VP Administrative Services to list of membership
  • Add (or designee) to all VP roles

The Charter will be reviewed and voted on for approval by the Governance Council.

ACCJC Midterm Report

The ACCJC Midterm report is due on October 15, 2018. The Strategic Planning Committee will facilitate the process. The timeline is as follows:

October 2017 * Strategic Planning Committee to review timeline, and assign leads to 3 the recommendations to increase institutional effectiveness, review the 17 improvement plans, and data reporting form

 October 2017 – January 2018 * Complete the work to meet the recommendations – improvement plans and gather evidence

 January 2018 – April 2018 * Write the draft report

 May 2018 * Send out to the Governance Council, Academic Senate, Board of Trustees, and the college community for review

 June 2018 – August 2018 * Revise and finalize the draft report based on feedback

 September 2018 * Present to Governance Council, Academic Senate, Board of Trustees for approval

 October 2018 * Submit to ACCJC by October 15, 2018

The committee discussed the three recommendations to increase effectiveness that were given by the ACCJC on the last Institutional Self Evaluation Report submitted in 2015. The college identified 17 actionable improvement plans to address the recommendations. The SPC reviewed the status of the improvement plans and agreed that the majority of the plans have been implemented. The committee also reviewed the Midterm Report Data Reporting Form.

Proportionality Index

Sharyn Eveland provided a handout with examples of the Proportionality method of analysis vs. the 80% rule. Sharyn explained the examples to the committee and a brief discussion was had. This discussion will be brought back to the committee when all members are present.

 Next Regular Meeting Date: November 3, 2017

Respectfully Submitted by Brandy Young