October 31, 2017 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Special Meeting

Strategic Action Plan Development

Please see posted Minutes.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

Special Meeting – Strategic Action Plan Development

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Counseling Center Conference Room


Present: Oleg Bespalov, Amanda Bauer, Vicki Jacobi, Mark Williams, Primavera Arvizu
Absent: Greg Golling, Severo Balason, Tony Cordova, Sharyn Eveland

Mark Williams led the committee in a brainstorm exercise to identify barriers to completion:

Photo attached below.

Based on this brainstorm, the committee identified three strategic directions:


  1. Directly place as many students as possible into transfer level math and English courses
  2. Providing comprehensive learning support services to all students
  3. Continuously look for barriers to completion and remove them

Next Meeting Date: TBD

 Minutes by Oleg Bespalov

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