December 04, 2015 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Friday, December 4, 2015
Café Conference Room
1. Overview—Equity Plan
2. Overview—AB86
3. Draft—Revised Program Review Forms
4. IEPI Metrics and Goals
5. Update—Data Standards Workgroup
6. Next Meeting: Friday, February 5, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Friday, December 4, 2015
Café Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Greg Hawkins, Vicki Jacobi, Mark Williams

Members Absent: Diane Baeza, Agnes JEguaras

Secretary: Brandy Young

Overview – Equity Plan – Mark Williams

Mark distributed a copy of the Executive Summary section of the Equity Plan and gave a brief description of the timeline to completion. A draft of the plan will go to the Board on December 9th for review. The overview of the Equity Plan and key points:

Defining disproportionate impact (DI)
Establishing disproportionate impact (DI)
o Master DI Success List
o Cohort selection
o Managed success
o Filtering
o Sorting
o Stratification
o Selection
Activities to achieve goals
o “Equity First” SSSP Integration
Foster youth
o “Equity First” AB86 plan integration
o Communication Strategy
o Persistence Support
o Peer Mentors
o Success Coaches
o Completion Coaches
o Success Plus
o Enrollment ManagementBudget allocation
o It was stated that the Equity Plan is not a funding source, but a coherent plan with activities that have been budgeted for.
Eric made a statement that in his experiences with these types of studies, looking at a snap shot in time may be dangerous. Because there are fluctuations between semesters, data may not show true trends. He recommended a study of data over a period of three years. Other Committee
members expressed agreement and suggested that all plans follow the same consistent practice to study data over a period of three years. It was also recommended that the assessment of SLOs follow a three year pattern. It was stated that when the sample size is large, a shorter time frame may be used. When the sample size is small, a longer time frame should be used. It is important to measure the same strategy.

Mark distributed a draft copy of the Planning and Collaboration section of the Equity Plan. This section of the plan depicts the history and planning processes. The document describes the roles of the Access and Success committees and stresses the point that the Strategic Planning Committee is central to the planning process.

Overview – AB86 – Mark Williams

AB86 is a Consortium project that will launch an Adult Education project in Taft and surrounding rural towns. The Consortium consists of Taft Union High School, Maricopa High School and Taft College.

The focus areas (strategies of outreach) in the program are:
o Literacy
o High School Completion (GED)
o Citizenship
There will be six outreach centers:
o Taft Union High School
o Maricopa High School
o Taft – possibly the Methodist Church and other locations
o The other three locations have not been decided upon yet but it has been suggested that ESRI (data base software that is used for geographic mapping) be used to identify the areas of need.
The goal is to “weave” the AB86 program in to the Equity Plan.
A statement was made that the English 800 course at Taft College does not have a floor. It is hopeful with the establishment of AB86 that pre-collegiate faculty and staff can identify those students that would benefit from the AB86 program and then continue on to Taft College in the Basic Skills courses.
It was stated that there needs to be a bridge for these students to transition.
AB86 → GED → Comprehensive Ed Plan → Persistence
Staffing of AB86 has begun. Taft College will facilitate the recruiting process.

Draft – Revised Program Review Forms – Eric Bérubé

Eric presented the revised Annual Program Review Form and the Annual Goal Form for 2016/17. The changes to the forms were minimal:
Annual Program Review Form
o Added PEMs (Program Effectiveness Measures) and Other Outcome Data to the Program Outcome Data Type list
o A whole page will be dedicated to the Program Outcome(s) section IIC
o Section III: Program Student Learning Outcomes Data – Summary will change from Section Level to Course Level
Annual Program Goal Form
o It was recommended that the Data Types are consistent with the APRR
As stated in the Charter, the Committee must check all Annual Program Reviews and Goal forms to ensure that the reports are true Program Review and not a reiteration of the outcomes data.

IEPI Metrics and Goals – Darcy Bogle

The IEPI standards will be increasing from 18 to 22 this year. It was suggested that the College evaluate and set goals for eight standards instead of four. The deadline to submit the goals to the Chancellor’s office is June 30th. This topic will be a future item of discussion in upcoming meetings.

Update – Data Standards Workgroup – Mark Williams

Mark informed the Committee that there is a new workgroup. The Data Standards Workgroup will focus on improving the accuracy of data across the campus and develop data definitions that will be used campus-wide.

Next Meeting: Friday, January 15, 2016 – 8:10 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young