September 07, 2012 Meeting
Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday, September 7, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room
To: Sam Aunai, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Diana Duran, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
David Layne
From: Debra Wooley, Secretary
Date: September 5, 2012
Facilitator: Eric Berube
Timekeeper: Debi Wooley
1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 20, 2012 and May 4, 2012 meetings –
5 minutes
2. Governance Council Update – Val – 5 minutes
3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 5 minutes
4. Previous Action Items – 15 minutes
5. Process & Rubric for Prioritization of Goals – Eric – 15 minutes
6. Comprehensive Program Review Process & Timetable – Eric – 30 minutes
7. Mid-term Report – Eric – 5 minutes
8. Other Items – 10 minutes
9. Adjournment
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, September 7, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room
Members Present: Sam Aunai, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Diana Duran, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
David Layne
Members Absent: None
Facilitator: Eric Berube
Timekeeper: Debi Wooley
1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 20, 2012 and May 4, 2012 meetings.
The minutes were approved by consensus.
2. Governance Council Update – Val – 5 minutes
At its last meeting on August 31, 2012, the Governance Council approved the Educational Master Plan, the draft of the Accreditation Mid-term Report, and the Student Learning Outcomes Report. Discussion continued on the Prioritization Allocation Rubric. The Council agreed to table the item until the Strategic Planning Committee has time to work on it.
3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 5 minutes
There is no report at this time. The committee is set to meet on Thursday, September 20. There was a misunderstanding on Ron’s part with regard to the committee’s task to list the cost for each goal to be utilized by the Governance Council to prioritize the list of goals. Eric met with Ron to clarify the task and the Budget Committee will list the costs out for a future Governance Council meeting.
4. Previous Action Items – Eric –15 minutes
The list was presented to the Governance Council and concerns were expressed that some of the items on the list are not under the purview of the Strategic Planning Committee. The list was revised to make it consistent with the SPC Charter. Val suggested that we should review our charter at the next meeting as an agenda item.
Current Action Item: Add “Review Strategic Planning Committee Charter” to the next agenda.
5. Process & Rubric for Prioritization of Goals – Eric – 15 minutes
A flow chart was created to illustrate a suggested process for prioritizing goals. Eric will re-create the chart on the computer and discuss the chart with Dena.
Current Action Item: Eric will prepare the chart and discuss it with Dena at their next meeting.
6. Comprehensive Program Review Process & Timetable – Eric – 30 minutes
Eric notified the committee that Comprehensive Program Review will be occurring in the near future. We need to prepare for a probable beginning date of fall 2013. There was discussion on the purpose, content, and possible methods for conducting reviews. It was decided that this discussion will need to continue at future SPC meetings.
Current Action Item: Add “Comprehensive Review Process” to the next agenda.
7. Mid-term Report – Eric – 5 minutes
Eric has completed the Accreditation Mid-term Report that is due to the ACCJC on October 15. He will email it to the committee. Please review the report and send comments to him.
Current Action Item: Eric will email the Mid-term Report to the committee members.
8. Other Items – 10 minutes
Val would like to add appointing a chairperson to the committee as an agenda item
for the next meeting.
The committee agreed by consensus to change the meeting time to 9:00 a.m. to 10:30
Current Action Item: Add “Appoint Chairperson” to the next agenda.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Debra Wooley