May 04, 2012 Meeting
Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday, May 4, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room
To: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long
From: Debra Wooley, Secretary
Date: May 3, 2012
Facilitator: Darcy Bogle
Timekeeper: Eric Berube
1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 20, 2012 meeting.
2. Governance Council Update – Velda – 10 minutes
3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 10 minutes
4. Transitioning from the Administrative Programs Outcomes Survey – Eric – 10 minutes
5. Educational Master Plan – Eric – 25 minutes
6. Other Items – 10 minutes
7. Adjournment
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, May 4, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room
Members Present: Sam Aunai, Eric Berube, Velda Long
Members Absent: Michelle Beasley, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder, Carolyn Hosking
Facilitator: Eric Berube
Timekeeper: Debi Wooley
1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 20, 2012 meeting.
The minutes were not available for approval.
2. Governance Council Update – Velda – 10 minutes
a. Emergency Operations Plan approved.
b. Governance Council Retreat will be held during next scheduled meeting this year.
Eric mentioned that he felt one regularly scheduled meeting would not be a sufficient amount of time to address all of the tasks that the Governance Council should review at the yearly retreat.
3. Budget Committee Update – Velda – 10 minutes
Nothing to report at this time.
4. Transitioning from the Administrative Programs Outcomes Survey – Eric – 10 minutes
The survey has been conducted for the last two years. It was put together as an expedient measure to collect data because the accreditation standards require that all programs be evaluated and the data be used in program review. The issue with the survey is that essentially it’s not objective data on program effectiveness but subjective data on perceived effectiveness. Eric met with Dena to discuss utilizing the mission statement for each program to develop measures unique to each program to replace the survey. Eric will prepare directions for developing measures to be distributed to the program leads during the Fall Planning Days as part of the program review packet.
Current Action Item: Eric will create directions for developing outcome measures.
5. Educational Master Plan – Eric – 25 minutes
After discussing with Dena, the Educational Master Plan will now be called the Educational Master Plan Goals because the document currently contains only the goals portion of a full educational master plan she envisions in the future. The EMPG document is not complete at this point in time due to late submissions and editing. It will be ready one week from today and Eric will email the document to the committee and post it on the IR website at that time.
6. Other Items – 10 minutes
No other items were addressed.
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Debra Wooley