May 14, 2020 Meeting



Governance Council


May 14, 2020

12:00 pm

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 894 2047 5666

Password: 030140




Facilitator:           Mike Mayfield

Timekeeper:       Xiaohong Li

Recorder:             Sarah Criss

Minutes:              Sarah Criss


  1. Approval of Minutes from March 13, 2020 Meeting                                                              5 Minutes
  2. Review 2019-20 APR Ranking                                                                                                 20 Minutes


  1. Program List for APR 10 Minutes


  1. Other 5 Minutes


Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper




Next Meeting:    Next Governance Council:




May 14, 2020



Members Present:      Debra Daniels, Leslie Minor, Severo Balason, Brock McMurray, Heather del Rosario, Xiaohong Li, Sharyn Eveland, Kanoe Bandy, Mike Mayfield, Michelle Oja, Kamala Carlson, Justin Madding, Renae Ginther, Michaela White, Sergio Gomez, Marty Morales, Julian Martinez, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bruce Ferguson


Members Absent:       Whisper Lynn Null


Guests:                            None


Facilitator:                       Mike Mayfield

Timekeeper:                  Xiaohong Li

Recorder:                        Sarah Criss


Call to Order:


The meeting called to order at 12:01 p.m. by Mike Mayfield.



The minutes from the March 13, 2020 Governance Council meeting were reviewed and approved by consensus.


  1. Review 2019-20 APR Ranking   

Dr. Debra Daniels presented the 2019-220 APR Ranking list. Once approved, this list will be shared with the campus. The Council approved the ranking list by consensus.


  1. Program List for APR


The current Program list was distributed. Changes were noted in the following areas in the Instructional areas. This included updating the list to the correct 2020-21 Instructional divisions and to note other instructional point of contacts. Non-instructional program changes included the addition of Marianne Bishop in Distance Learning Support, Xiaohong Li as the interim contact for Information Technology Services, and Chris Flachmann in Incarcerated Students Program (ISP). The changes were approved by consensus, noting that Dr. Leslie Minor will proof the Instructional programs before publishing. A final copy will be shared with the Council.


  1. Other

Dr. Daniels stated that the Facilities Master Plan had been approved via e-mail vote by the Council. She wanted to capture this activity in the minutes as record. The Plan was then approved by the Board of Trustees.




Next Meeting:  TBD

Facilitator:          Joe’ll Chaidez

Timekeeper:      Justin Madding


Meeting Adjourned:  12:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:  Sarah Criss

Reminder—Please forward future recommended agenda items to Deb Daniels and Sharyn Eveland