February 07, 2020 Meeting



Governance Council


February 7, 2020

12:10 pm –2:00 pm

Cougar Room


Facilitator:           Severo Balason

Timekeeper:       Renae Ginther

Recorder:             Sarah Criss

Minutes:              Sarah Criss


  1. Approval of Minutes from November 22, 2019 Meeting                                                      5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports (Brief Updates) 60 Minutes


  1. Access Committee (Leslie Minor)
  2. Success Committee (Windy Martinez)
  3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
  4. Strategic Planning Committee (Xiaohong Li)
  5. Campus Safety and Security (Severo Balason)
  6. Information Technology (Andy Prestage)


  1. Guided Pathways Implementation Update (Vicki Jacobi) 20 Minutes
  2. Information Item: Academic Senate (Sharyn Eveland)                                                 10 Minutes
  3. Collegiality in Action Recap                                                                    5 Minutes


Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper




Next Meeting:    Next Governance Council:

February 28, 2020


February 7, 2020


Members Present:      Debra Daniels, Brock McMurray, Leslie Minor, Severo Balason, Heather del Rosario, Xiaohong Li, Andrew Prestage, Sharyn Eveland, Kanoe Bandy, Julian Martinez, Mike Mayfield, Michelle Oja, Kamala Carlson, Brandy Young, Renae Ginther, Sierra Pilgrim, Michaela White, Sergio Gomez and Marty Morales


Members Absent:       Joe’ll Chaidez, Bruce Ferguson, Justin Madding


Guests:                            Amar Abbott, Windy Martinez, Jessica Grimes and Sarah Criss


Facilitator:                       Severo Balason

Timekeeper:                  Renae Ginther

Recorder:                        Sarah Criss, Recording Secretary


Call to Order:


The meeting called to order at 12:10 p.m. by Severo Balason.



The minutes from the November 22, 2019 Governance Council meeting was reviewed with a correction to title for Dr. Michelle Oja made. The minutes were approved by consensus.


  1. Committee Reports (Brief Updates)   

Access Committee

Dr. Leslie Minor shared the minutes from the past three Access Committee meetings. She reviewed the discussion and action taken with specific mention to identifying factors in enrollment planning, committee self-evaluation, and signage in community to promote class registration.


Success Committee

Dr. Windy Martinez reported that the Success Committee did not meet in January.


Budget Committee

Brock McMurray said that the committee has reviewed the budget development calendar and discussed the information from the Governor’s budget. He noted that the committee has also reviewed accreditation needs as is related to the function of the committee.


Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)

Xiaohong Li told the Council that the SPC has met twice and discussed the Strategic Action Plan (SAP). The indicators show that the District is progressing well with the current plan. The SPC also is in discussion to consider the Annual Program Review cycle to transition to a 3-year review.


Campus Safety & Security

Severo Balason gave an update in regard to the active shooter training that was held during inservice. There were 42 participants and most feedback has shown positive reaction to the training. Mr. Balason noted that the evacuation that occurred in January due to a chemical spill within the community is under review by the District and other municipal groups. The emergency actions are being assessed and gaps identified. The committee will discuss the District’s plan in connection with the situation at a future meeting.


Information Technology Committee (ITC)

Andrew Prestage shared that the ITC is working to research Wi-Fi connection issues and solutions. The Institutional Research staff are working with the ITC to develop Annual Program Review goals. The ITC has also gathered, reviewed and used feedback on the Administrative Procedure 3720 to produce a new draft of the AP.  


  1. Guided Pathways Implementation (Vicki Jacobi)


Dr. Vicki Jacobi presented a PowerPoint presentation on the current status of the Guided Pathways plan which was drafted two years ago.  The plan is based on four pillars: (1) clarify the path for students, (2) help students get on a path, (3) help students stay on a path, and (4) ensure students are learning. The four pillars are broken down into 14 key elements. The Guided Pathways Plan is integrated into action first through the Educational Master Plan. The Master Plan sets the overall direction of the college which then breaks down into more manageable plans. The state plans are housed within the Vision for Success and the District level plans are guided by the Strategic Action Plan. Dr. Jacobi reviewed the Four Pillars in connection to action/tasks that the College is using to meet the plan goals. She then began the discussion of what role the Governance Council sees themselves in the big picture of meeting these goals and how do the actions of Council ensure that students gain the education to make them successful. Notes were gathered from a discussion breakaway for use at a future meeting.


  1. Information – Report from Academic Senate (AS) (Sharyn Eveland)


Dr. Sharyn Eveland shared the celebratory resolution honoring Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) for 50 years of service and recognize Lourdes Gonzalez for her leadership over the program as the current Coordinator. The AS also acted to rename the Distance Education Committee to the Distance Learning Committee. The charter for the Curriculum Committee was reviewed.


Dr. Debra Daniels noted that the Board will also have a resolution honoring EOPS at the February meeting. She invited interested Council members to attend the meeting and share in the celebration.


  1. Collegiality in Action Recap (Debra Daniels)


Dr. Daniels thanked Council members for participating in the workshop with presenters Dr. Larry Galizio and Dr. John Stanskas. She opened discussion for feedback on the workshop.


The discussion showed agreement that the information presented was well presented and held a lot of value on the academic decision-making process. The noted need for future professional development was the communication, collegial relationships and how all campus stakeholders participate in participatory governance conversations.



Next Meeting:  February 28, 2020 at 12:10 p.m. in the Cougar Room

Facilitator:          Julian Martinez

Timekeeper:      Dr. Michelle Oja


Meeting Adjourned:  1:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:  Sarah Criss

Reminder—Please forward future recommended agenda items to Deb Daniels and Sharyn Eveland