November 13, 2015 Meeting



Governance Council

November 13, 2015

12:10 – 2:00 pm


Facilitator:          Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper:      Tony Thompson

Minutes:             Melissa Blanco



  1. Approval of Minutes from October 23, 2015 Meeting                                                 5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports – including presentation of several updated charters 25 Minutes
    1. Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    2. Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    4. Strategic Planning Committee (Mark/Darcy)
    5. Campus Safety and Security (Darcy Bogle)
  1. Continuation of Discussion – Proposal to Add Two New Sports in 2016/17

(Kanoe Bandy)                                                                                                                                          15 Minutes

  1. Adult Education Plan (Dena Maloney/Mark Williams) 20 Minutes
  2. Update on Tutoring Program (Mark Williams/Agnes Eguaras) 15 Minutes
  3. Discontinuance of Auto Program (led by Mark Williams/Kanoe Bandy) 15 Minutes
  4. 2015/16 Governance Council Retreat Ideas 15 Minutes
  5. December 11 Meeting Schedule/Staff Holiday Luncheon Discussion 5 Minutes


Next Meeting:  TBD

Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper



November 13, 2015


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling,  Vicki Jacobi, Dena Maloney, Velda Pena, Mark Williams, and Brandy Young


Members Absent:       Bruce Ferguson, Shoshanna Kukuliev (Student Rep.) Laura L’Ecuyer and Brock McMurray

Guest:                              Adrian Agundez, Eric Bérubé, Agnes Eguaras, Robert Mateau, and Tony Thompson

Facilitator:                       Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper:                  Tony Thompson



  • The minutes of the meeting held October 23, 2015 were approved by consensus.




  • Access/Success Committees (Mark Williams/Darcy Bogle)
    • Mark distributed two handouts titled “Joint Access/SSSP Committee Update” and “Access and Success Committees – 11.13.15 Success & Equity: Bridging the Gap” (copies attached to official minutes).
    • The Access Committee met today.
    • Mark briefly discussed the agenda items reviewed at the joint Access/SSSP Committee meeting such as their review of the year-end spending for the programs, Cognos updates, mentor recruitment, and SSSP alignment with equity.
    • Mark also discussed the adoption of the Campus Quad social media tool.
    • This tool will build connections for students and assist in the mentoring program to involve students and provide a communication tool for the mentors and the students.
    • The committee also had a discussion of how they can support equity through SSSP and bridging the gap for disproportionate students.
    • Dena asked if we are also slicing the data to look at the effect on DL students and Sharyn said this was done last year; however, the achievement gap is even more significant among face-to-face disproportionate students.
    • Darcy distributed a handout titled “Student Success Committee Proposal” (copy attached to official minutes). This is a revised and updated charter for the Student Success Committee.
    • Darcy reviewed the charter and asked the GC for consensus to approve the revised charter.
    • CONSENSUS: The GC members approved the revised charter for the Student Success Committee.
    • Darcy also stated there were some minor changes in funding for positions in the SSSP plan as follows:
      • Reorganization in the Admissions in rehiring a Counseling/Admissions Technician
      • Rehiring a DL advisor
      • New Dean of Student Services



  • Darcy distributed a handout titled “Dean of Student Services” (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the position.
  • Dena stated she supported the need for a Dean of Student Services with all the responsibilities and work required to facilitate the SSSP. She felt the committee did a great job addressing the needs of the District by recommending the new position.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC members supported the proposal to hire a Dean of Student Services.
  • Budget Committee (Brock McMurray-absent)
    • No report provided.
  • Strategic Planning Committee (Mark Williams/Darcy Bogle)
    • Mark distributed a handout titled “Strategic Planning Committee Update” (copy attached to official minutes).
    • Mark stated the committee met November 11, 2015.
    • He reviewed the agenda items discussed at the meeting such as job placement rates and EDD data.
    • They also reviewed and approved the recommendation to discontinue the automotive program.
    • The also discussed the Perkins Planning Model and establishing major mile stones to align with the APR timeline.
  • Campus Security (Darcy Bogle)
    • Darcy stated the committee is planning an evacuation training drill during in-service January 14, 2016.
    • Dena asked if the committee reviews the toxic chemicals being stored on campus and if they are addressing the plan of how to handle and address this in case of an emergency.
    • Darcy stated the Science Department currently tracks and inventories all chemicals and keeps them in a safe and in a proper location. They also contract with an outside company to properly dispose of the chemicals when necessary.
    • Darcy will also add this concern to the committee’s agenda to address and discuss further.
    • Darcy also distributed a draft of the committee’s charter titled “Campus Safety and Security Committee Proposal” (copy attached to official minutes).
    • Minor updates were made to simplify the purpose and responsibilities.
    • One correction was noted to remove bullet item #3 under “GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND EXPECTIONS –Committee members further promise to: work with the Student Success Committee mandate/charter”.
    • CONSENSUS: The GC members approved the revised charter for the Campus Safety and Security Committee.
  • Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
    • Adrian stated the replacement of the 2005 phone system had been upgraded last month.
    • Approval was also given to upgrade to the Wi-Fi access for the dorms students.
    • Adrian stated they will be replacing the computers and printers is G9 and G10.
    • Alarms and equipment will be set up for the new ETEC building.
    • ITC is also looking at providing training for new technology and software for faculty and staff.







(Kanoe Bandy, Director of Athletics and Division Chair, Applied Technology)


  • The recommendation and proposal for the addition of two new sports (men’s and women’s golf) was approved by the Academic Senate at the 1st reading and will return back for a 2nd reading on Wednesday.
  • It was recommended for Kanoe to move forward with implementing the new sports program once the Academic Senate approves at the 2nd reading



(Led by Mark Williams, VP of Instruction and Kanoe Bandy, Director of Athletics and Division Chair, Applied Technology)


  • Mark distributed a memo to the GC members for review dated October 7, 2015, Subject: Discontinuation of the Automotive Technology Program (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The last courses in automotive technology were taught in the Spring of 2011.
  • After much review and discussion with administration, the Applied Technology Division decided to recommend discontinuing the automotive program.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC agreed to move forward with discontinuing the automotive program.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair)

  • Dena distributed a handout (copy attached to official minutes) regarding the organizational structure of the proposed positions for the AB 86 West Kern Consortium.
  • Consortium members include the unified school district, the high school district, and the community college district.
  • $750,000 has been received to implement the Adult Education Plan and is considered a block-grant. We must submit a three year plan as well as an annual plan.
  • We currently have a few pilot projects in the works. These pilot projects are designed to evaluate what services or programs will be beneficial to our program.
  • The Adult Education plan focuses on the following areas:
    • Literacy
    • HSE
    • ESL
    • Citizenship
  • The consortium plans to take educational services out to the community and possibly set up at local school sites or other convenient community centers.
  • The consortium will have an office at the Fort and house staff there for community access and information.
  • Taft College is serving as the fiscal agent and along with its partners have made the following recommendations for positions. Dena distributed a handout depicting the organizational chart developed for the West Kern Consortium (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The following are the recommended positions:
    • Director
    • Administrative Assistant


  • Outreach Coordinator
  • Non-Tenure Track Faculty
  • (6) Learning Support Specialists
  • The adult education program will assist in providing needed educational services to help build a prepared population for TC to serve.



(Led by Agnes Eguaras, Dean of Instruction-Grants)


  • Agnes distributed two “Usage Snapshot Reports” for the writing and math labs (copy attached to official minutes.)
  • These reports track the students that use the tutoring services, number of visits, duration, and the reason for their visit.
  • These reports do not separate those student that actually use the lab for tutoring services versus those that only come in to study, visit with friends, or just use the computers.
  • It would be great to also track students that use the labs and to see how it affects their success in class versus those that did not utilize tutoring services.
  • On-line tutoring services are available for DL students known as “Net Tutor” for English and math. Only one student has used this service.  There is a need to get the word out regarding this service to students.





  • Suggested ideas as follows:
    • Continue to focus on Student Success as in the past
    • Focus in IEPI
    • Focus on a larger direction regarding Student Success & Equity
    • Hire a professional speaker again
    • Suggested retreat date: February 26th



Next Meeting:  December 11, 2015 – 10:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  (Time change due to Holiday Luncheon)

Facilitator:          Bill Devine

Timekeeper:      Mark Williams


Meeting Adjourned:  2:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco