November 27, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from October meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Non-Working Days sub-committee
    2. Faculty Dependent Priority Registration sub-committee


  1. Other



  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday but the 3rd because of Christmas)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Welcome & Introductions

President Payne welcomed faculty.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Joy Reynolds with a 2nd from Diane Jones.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Mike Mayfield, reported an overall balance of $9253.18 excluding payment for today’s lunch. As an information item only, President Payne reported that in order for our Association to be eligible for arbitration from CCA, our local dues must be $180. Currently our local dues are $100 and have not been raised in over sixteen (16) years. President Payne wanted to give Association members a chance to think about this issue before bringing it forward as an action item in a future meeting.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

  1. Non-Working Days

Consensus was reached on the language pertaining to non-workdays for 11 and 12 month faculty members at the 11/15/19 TCFCBC meeting. The first reading of the MOU should be presented at the December board meeting.


  1. Faculty Dependent Priority Registration

President Payne shared that bargaining had agreed to make this the January IBB training topic.  In the meantime the subcommittee would meet to discuss the processes, forms, and internal logistics.



President Payne reminded the faculty that IBB training will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, from 8:30am to 3:30pm in the Cougar room. She encouraged anyone who would like to serve on the bargaining team in the future to attend the training.

President Payne stated that VPI, Leslie Minor, informed her that our current Faculty Obligation Number (FON) for fulltime faculty has increased from 59 to 63.7. The FON is determined by the Chancellor’s office, however no one seems to know what formula was used to arrive at the 63.7 number. The District will be fined $80,000 per position that it is short of this number. The District is hiring four fulltime postions (Business, Dental Hygiene, Anatomy/Physiology and Chemistry) set to begin during the Spring 2020 semester. The District will still be .7 short and so the District is hiring two (2) half-year, non-tenurend track, fulltime, temporary employees internally from our existing adjunct pools in English and Dental Hygiene. President Payne requested that the internal positions follow the HR hiring process. She also asked if these faculty members would receive medical benefits and Leslie reported that she has asked the District’s lawyers to determine the District’s obligation. Ruby has also asked our CTA representative to see whether or not the District is required to offer these faculty members medical benefits. Tony Thompson expressed the need for additional sections of anatomy for all of the health majors. Wendy Berry reported that an additional section of anatomy cannot be offered until the models arrive and the soonest another section will be added is Fall 2020.

President Payne reported that several of the new faculty members would like to observe current faculty members to see how they engage students. David Mitchell has volunteered for new faculty to observe his courses, however he would like to be contacted ahead of time before any observation. If any other current faculty members would like to volunteer, please contact Ruby. Joy Reynolds recommended that faculty can benefit from observing faculty in other disiciplines as well as their own.

President Payne reminded faculty that if they ever feel uncomfortable with a request or meeting from Administration or other managers that they should reach out to her or another team member.

Wendy Berry explained that she has been receiving unwelcomed letters and phone calls for over two years from a former student, Matt Ray, who is believed to be struggling with drug addiction. The Taft police department and our TC security officer have been notified and are aware of the situation. Wendy also has a photo she is willing to share of this person.

Joy Reynolds wrote the pay codes on the board from our end of month paychecks which include our 3.26% retro payments. Faculty are encouraged to review their paychecks carefully and report any errors to the business offices as soon as possible.

President Payne reported that the December 18, 2019, Association meeting scheduled during finals week will be cancelled since the TCFCBC team will not be meeting and there will be no new information to report. She wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season.

Meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)

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