April 24, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Security Cameras Policy and contract language
    2. Program Lead compensation
    3. Additional club advisor stipends
    4. Faculty evaluation procedures
    5. SLO Coordinator Compensation (1st reading at April Board Mtg.)


  1. Officer Nominations for 2019-20


  1. TCFA Scholarships for 2018-19


     $800 Awards


Transferring Students

$500 Award


Continuing Student

Emma Goulart Isabelle Martinez
Cristo Miranda Cota  
Taryn Yochum  
Brittany Long  
Jennifer Fain  



  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for April 24, 2019


Welcome & Introductions

President Jones welcomed faculty.


Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Darcy Bogle with a 2ndfrom Vicki Jacobi.  The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Mike Mayfield, reported an overall balance of $10,14.26 excluding payment for today’s lunch, retirement chair purchase and $4500 for scholarships.



Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update.

  1. Security Cameras Policy and Contract Language
    President Jones updated the faculty that the security camera policy was discussed at TCFCBC. Daniels has developed the AP and BP.  President Jones shared our intention to add language to the faculty contract and a reported 95 cameras currently in operation.  MOU expected after Friday’s meeting..
  2. Program Lead Compensation
    Governance Council has deferred the discussion to the May 2019 meeting.        Topic to be continued at next bargaining meeting.
  3. Additional Club Advisor Stipend
    Currently there are 8 district supported Club Advisor stipends available. President Jones shared that she would advocate for additional club stipends.  President Jones thanked Michelle Oja for sharing an article on the importance and influence that clubs have on student success.
  4. Faculty Evaluation Process
    President Jones updated the faculty evaluation goals for this semester, which include the addition of the distance learning form, clarity on process, and a clear list of deadlines for all participants in the process. The next steps for the bargaining team is to review the forms. Topic to be continued.
  5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Coordinator Compensation
    President Jones shared SLO compensation and job description had its 1stboard reading in April.


Officer Nominations for 2019-2020

President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the position of President.  Diane Jones nominated Ruby Payne.  No other nominations were made.  Ruby Payne is elected by acclamation.


President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice President.  Mike Mayfield nominated Greg Golling.  No other nominations were made.  Greg Golling is elected by acclamation.


President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the position of Secretary.  Ruby Payne nominated Juana Rangel-Escobedo.  No other nominations were made.  Juana Rangel-Escobedo is elected by acclamation.


President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the position of Treasurer.  Dave Reynolds nominated Mike Mayfield.  No other nominations were made.  Mike Mayfield is elected by acclamation.


President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the bargaining team position opening due to end of term currently served by Joe’ll Chaidez.  Diane Jones nominated Joe’ll Chaidez. No other nominations were made.  Joe’ll Chaidez  is elected by acclamation.


President Jones opened the floor for nominations for the bargaining team position opening now open due to the election of Greg Golling for the position of Vice President.  Ruby Payne nominated Chris Flachmann.  No other nominations were made.  Chris Flachmann is elected by acclamation.



Scholarship Committee

President Jones thanked Sharyn Eveland, Tina Mendoza, Darcy Bogle, and Juana Rangel-Escobedo for selection of the 2019-20 Faculty Association scholarship recipients.


$800 Awards Transferring Students $500 Awards Continuing Students
Emma Goulart Isabelle Martinez
Cristo Miranda Cota  
Taryn Yochum  
Brittany Long  
Jennifer Fain  




President Jones shared the decision by HR to implement a rule that restricts full time classified staff from working as adjunct faculty beginning in Fall 2019.  Faculty shared their experiences at other campus.


President Jones shared that the May in-service options and sign ups would be emailed out by HR in the following week.



The meeting adjourned at 12:50pm.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room

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