September 27, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from August meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. Overload Sick Leave Statements


  1. TSA Contributions 403(b) ($18,000 limit in 2017)


  1. TCFCBC Update


  1. 2017-18 Compensation and retro pay (1st reading of MOU at September Board Mtg.)
  2. Faculty Association President Compensation
  3. Accessibility (508) Oversight Committee added to approved committee list beginning Jan. 2018
  4. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document
  5. Club Advisor Stipends
  6. Sabbaticals 2018-19


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of September 27, 2017


Approval of Minutes

Dr. Michelle Oja made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Mike Jiles, and unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Vice President Mike Mayfield reported a balance of $6,778.47 before lunch. President Jones reported that she and Vice President Payne received reimbursement well under $500 in accordance with the Faculty Association’s vote for travel reimbursement to the CCA conference.


Overload Sick Leave Statements

President Jones reminded everyone that in addition to the District providing Sick Leave statements, the contract also states it will provide Overload Sick Leave statements by September 1st. President Jones inquired about sick leave, which has been addressed, but she recommended that when using sick leave, draw from your Overload Sick Leave account first for Personal Necessity Leave (PNL) and when you donate to catastrophic leave.


TSA Contributions

President Jones reported that faculty members can make contributions to tax shelters annuities. CTA has a low fee option, and other options are available. All contributions are handled by our third-party administrator, through the business office.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

  1. 2017-18 Compensation and retro pay:

President Jones reported the 1.56% COLA went to its first reading in September; the second reading will occur in October, and COLA is expected to be awarded by the end of the year. Faculty were urged to pay attention to their paychecks for accuracy.


  1. 2017-18 Compensation and retro pay:

President Jones reported that this item, which began in May, was unanimously approved for 40% release time retro to July 1, 2017 after a subcommittee’s research revealed a disparity in compensation from colleges of similar size.

President Jones responded to a question about whether it might be a good time to present the academic senate for more release time, and she stated that Geoffrey has submitted a memo and that this item could be added to the list. Mike Mayfield made a motion to ratify this item, and Kelly seconded it, which was unanimously approved.


  1. Accessibility (508) Oversight Committee:

President Jones reported that although committee approval goes through the AEER committee, since many bargaining team members are members, this issue was discussed and made the recommendation that the Accessibility Committee be approved effective January 2018 with some changes. If a faculty member who already has two committees, wishes to switch, s/he can.


  1. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document:

President Jones reported that since there has been an increase in non-teaching faculty, the former evaluation document, which had combined teaching and non-teaching evaluations, needed to be differentiated. Therefore, Joe’ll Chaidez spearheaded this effort with input from the counselors and brought forth an evaluation form specific to non-teaching faculty. Although there was concern about whether the recommended changes should be included on one form (as before) or shown in two forms, it was decided that the changes were extensive enough to warrant another form. Therefore, the changes recommended will go forward again for approval. Some discussion followed President Jones’s report, and a recommendation was made that three evaluation forms be made for the following: adjunct counselors, non-teaching non-counselor faculty, and teaching faculty.


  1. Club Advisor Stipends:

President Jones reported that at first the selection committee didn’t review eight applications, but since there were some changes made in club advisorships with one person stepping up for someone who resigned, all who applied will be compensated. If a person chooses not to apply, not applying will not affect that faculty member if he/she applies in the future since the selection occurs annually. It was recommended to put more club advisorship positions on the list of agenda items since the Administration may be more amenable.


  1. Sabbaticals 2018-19:

President Jones reported that Dr. Daniels’s letter stated that there wouldn’t be any sabbaticals offered, although the option for a sabbatical may be offered in the future if the sabbatical would serve the District’s needs.



Kelly Kulzer brought up a concern about a block schedule and how it may affect attendance. Geoffrey Dyer and Darcy Bogle summarized that there was an information memo on how some 3-unit classes overlapped with other 3-unit classes, thus preventing students from registering for back-to-back classes. Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams asked division chairs to bring notes to accommodate 3-unit classes in a block schedule format but issued a caveat that this scheduling issue fell under the category of unsolvable problems. Another concern was that faculty were told to hand over their schedules rather than meet as was the tradition. It was recommended that faculty continue following past practice. Kanoe Bandy mentioned that while divisions generally address what’s best for students, since they are unaware of other divisions’ schedules, accommodating a block schedule has always been complex, although a top priority.


Vicki Jacobi mentioned that she with the help of Myisha Cutrona (AS) and Sheri Horn-Buck (The Foundation) will be developing a fundraising campaign through the month of October to send money directly to the baseball students’ families affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Initial details include the following: The Foundation will match the first $3,000 minus its 3% fee.



The meeting adjourned at 12:58 pm.

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