November 17, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from October meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update


  1. Faculty Association President Compensation (2nd reading at November Board Mtg. – Approved)
  2. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document
  3. Article 7.3.1 (Frey Report)
  4. Reduced Workload form update
  5. Committee Assignment form update
  6. AB 119


  1. Flexible Spending Account open enrollment ends Nov. 30, 2017.


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of November 22, 2017


Approval of Minutes

Adam Bledsoe made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Greg Golling. The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Vice President Mike Mayfield reported a balance of $10, 586.47 before lunch.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update


  1. Faculty Association President Compensation:

President Jones reported on this information item, which had its second reading in November and was approved.


  1. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document:

President Jones reported that the subcommittee met to review the form for adjunct counselors so that it was clearly distinguished from the teaching faculty form. It will go into effect in the fall of 2018. Dr. Vicki Jacobi made a motion to approve. Debra Rodenhauser seconded it. The motion was approved.


  1. Article 7.3.1 (Frey Report):

President Jones reported that the Frey Report indicated the District was out of compliance by 1.69%, and the Administration agreed, although there was some confusion over whether the Frey Report applied to the entire salary schedule, including adjuncts. President Jones cited the contract language that clearly states the increase applies to the entire salary schedule. The 17-18 salary schedule will be increased by 3.25% over the 16-17 salary schedule due to the 1.56% COLA and 1.69% Frey report increase. After this item has two readings, it will be retroactive to July 1, 2017, and applicable to the adjunct rate and all stipends. President Jones also reported that the retro pay for 1.56% will be paid in November. Vice-president Ruby Payne reported that the Frey Report has only been applied three times. Kelly Kulzer made a motion to approve the 1.69%, which was, seconded by Amar Abbott. The motion carried.


  1. Reduced Workload Form Update:

President Jones reported that she noticed the application for reduced workload confused whether it would be approved, but since it’s contractual, it’s already approved. In addition, she noticed the application suggested the reduced workload was renewable every year when the contract indicates it is renewable every 5 years, or changed by mutual agreement. These issues were clarified when she presented the original document, which did not include the incorrect wording, so the Administration agreed to change it, and the new interim Associative Vice President of HR Julie McNeil updated the form.


  1. Committee Assignment form update:

President Jones reported that Geoffrey Dyer raised a concern about potential confusion over which committees that faculty selected counted as contractual. He suggested that this designation be made clear. The bargaining team reached consensus over using the following designations: “contract” and “other.” Thus, faculty would, as per the contract, mark two as “contract,” and if faculty served on other committees, designate these as “others.”. Dr. Sharyn Eveland made a motion to approve with Debora Rodenhauser seconding it. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. AB 119:

President Jones reported that this law was passed July 1st that guarantees that union members receive information on new employees every 120 days. A subcommittee was formed, including Diane Jones, Ruby Payne, and the new interim Associate VP Julie McNeil. In addition, this law grants union members access to new employee orientations. President Jones mentioned she will continue to update the Association on this issue.


Flexible Spending Account

President Jones mentioned that the Flexible Spending Account for open enrollment ends November 30, 2017. It is a pre-tax program that pays for copays, braces, glasses, eye appointments, and prescriptions, although faculty have to commit to a set amount and send in receipts for reimbursement.



President Jones provided an update on SB 1379, which deals with adjunct rehire rights. That language went into effect July 1st, but the interpretation of the language is unclear since chairs use data from three years ago to offer classes to adjuncts, so it leaves the question of being grandfathered in unclear; however, the negotiation process clarified that all adjuncts would be considered equal in the fall 2017, so the Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams is checking into this issue. President Jones also reported that since few distance education student returned evaluations, a decision was made to send out the evaluations again. However, it was suggested that in the future, evaluations be open for the window of time but that opening and closing the evaluations on distance courses not occur to avoid confusion. A question was also raised on why faculty hand in their evaluations, and it was mentioned that for night classes, students cannot hand in the evaluations, nor can students drop them off in the mailroom because of the presence of sensitive material. President Jones mentioned that Dr. Daniels reported that classified staff reached an agreement to close for winter break. A question was asked if the union wanted to donate for the Winter Extravaganza, which includes the TC Promise program. It was suggested that faculty donate money to divisions and/or buy a ticket.



The meeting adjourned at 12:57 pm.

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