September 26, 2012 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from August meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Health Benefits
    2. 50% Law
    3. Voluntary Severance Package


  1. Board of Trustees Meeting


  1. Bylaws Update


  1. 30 & 32 Information by CTA staff member, Caryn Coss


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of September 26, 2012


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:14 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the August 21 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Cash Balance and Membership Forms

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the current balance in the association account is $6024.06 before lunch.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Health Benefits

President Diane Jones reported that the Board of Trustees has asked the college to find $500,000 in cost savings this fiscal year. The faculty group has already made cuts in the form of not offering classes. The other groups on campus have come up with the following:


Classified Employees:

Furlough days   $59,104.00

Health Care Modification   73,710.00 (December 2012 – June 2013)

Total   $132,814.00


Management Employees:

Furlough days   $33,034.00

Health Care Modification   27,027.00 (December 2012 – June 2013)

Total   $60,061.00


Board of Trustees:

Health Care Modification   4,095.00 (December 2012 – June 2013)


If the Faculty Association adopts the same health care modification, it will save the district

$34,983 over the same time period, and bring total projected savings to $231,953.00 for 2012/2013. Superintendent/President Dena Maloney feels comfortable taking this amount of cost savings to the Board. Adopting the same health care plan as the other groups (sample option #1 attached to the official minutes) would result in an increase in office visit copay from $10 to $20, and a change from a three tier to a two tier prescription drug plan. This would still be a 100% plan paid entirely by the district. A motion was presented by David Layne and seconded by Christopher Chung-Wee to change to sample option #1 effective December 1, 2012. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


50% Law

President Diane Jones reported that Superintendent/President Dena Maloney informed both Diane and Academic Senate President Tony Thompson that the district was out of compliance with the 50% law for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Dena formed a 50% Law Taskforce and made a commitment to fix the problem. Diane Jones and Greg Golling are the faculty representatives on the taskforce.


Voluntary Severance Package

President Diane Jones stated that this agenda item will be addressed in our next TCFCBC meeting. It would be very helpful to the bargaining team to know if anyone is serious about possibly retiring at the end of this year. If you are seriously considering retirement this academic year, please notify Diane or one of the other TCFCBC members.


Board of Trustees Meeting

President Diane Jones reminded the association that we have expressed our desire to have a member of the Board of Trustees present at our TCFCBC meetings. No members were able to fit these meetings into their schedules. Superintendent/President Dena Maloney agreed to let Diane meet with the Board of Trustees in closed session before each Board meeting. This is helping us rebuild trust and increase communication between the faculty and the board. If you have anything you want the board to know, please tell Diane.


Bylaws Update

President Diane Jones reminded the association that she and Treasurer Ruby Payne looked at our bylaws after this summer’s Presidents’ Conference. They sent these modified bylaws to CTA for review, which have been returned with proposed changes. A copy of these proposed bylaws are attached to the official minutes. A motion was presented by Jeff Ross and seconded by David Layne To reject the strike through under Section VI subsection I keeping a quorum as a majority of active members present at the meeting. Motion passed by unanimous vote. The bylaws as approved will be sent back to CTA for review.


Prop. 30 & 32 Information by CTA Staff Member Caryn Coss

Caryn Coss showed a brief video and made a brief presentation expressing CTA’s position on these propositions.



President Diane Jones reported that position announcements for Vice-President of Instruction have gone out. Eric Bérubé stated that he would like to start a retirement planning club so that members planning on retiring in similar years can work together if and when retirement incentives are offered.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 pm.

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