January 12, 2012 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Thursday, January 12, 2012


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from November meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. Retirement Board of Authority Update


  1. Proposed Updated Bylaws


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Voluntary Severance Package Update (Notification Deadline)
    2. Frye Language Update
    3. Earning Sick Leave Credit for Overload Assignment
    4. Prioritize Upcoming Topics


  1. Retirement gifts (chairs or scholarship donation & plaque)


  1. Benefit Highlight – California Casualty Insurance – Amanda Biagioni


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Note: 5th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of January 12, 2012


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the November 23 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the current balance in the association account is $7019.71.


Retirement Board of Authority Update

Secretary Mike Mayfield reminded the Association that he and Craig Johnson serve on the Retirement Board of Authority. The retiree health benefit trust fund annual report is published on the Taft College web site under “TC News Links”, and is titled “Futuris Public Entity Investment Trust”. The current balance in the trust fund is roughly $1 million. The district still has $1.5 million in reserve of the original $2 million initially set aside to begin paying the GASB 43/45 annual required contribution (ARC). The district plans to transfer $547,000 of this reserve into the trust before the end of this fiscal year to meet the ARC.


Proposed Updated Bylaws

President Diane Jones reminded the Association that she had sent out the most recent (1991) Faculty Association bylaws, along with a proposed update for consideration. She will resend these materials and place this issue on a future agenda for ratification.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Voluntary Severance Package Update (Notification Deadline)

President Diane Jones reported that the board did ratify the two years of service credit with a minimum of three retirees option that achieved consensus in our last TCFCBC meeting. We currently have two faculty members planning on retiring this year. The district has given us a notification deadline of January 31st. If you are considering retirement this year, please contact Diane ASAP.


Frey Language Update

President Diane Jones the Association that this pertains to contract section 7.3.1. Alan Frey used to rank district salaries with a maximum non-doctorate with longevity. He no longer does this report. He does provide a ranked comparison at step 20. Since our salary schedule does not have a step 20, we agreed to utilize step 18 for this comparison. This was ratified in our last meeting and is scheduled to go before the Board of Trustees in the February meeting.


Earning Sick Leave Credit for Overload Assignment

President Diane Jones reported that consensus was reached in our last TCFCBC meeting on this issue. Under the agreement, faculty will earn sick leave for overload teaching assignments at the same rate as adjunct faculty; one hour of sick leave for every 17 hours taught. This sick leave will be stored in a separate account, can be used for donation to catastrophic leave, and will be used first when taking sick leave. A motion was presented and seconded to ratify the consensus agreement. Ratified Unanimously


Prioritize Upcoming Topics

President Diane Jones reminded the Association the following topics were presented in August: 1) salary, 2) sabbatical leave 3) increase in annual sick leave, 4) earning sick leave for overload, 5) recognizing MFA as a doctorate, 6) getting all stipends onto the extra duty contract page, 7) Faculty Association President Compensation, and 8) Division Chair compensation. She then opened the floor for possible new topics. Academic Senate President and Vice-President Compensation, separation of adjunct and overload pay, and placing counselor compensation and duties back on the table were all presented. Priority registration for faculty offspring was also presented, and was referred to the Academic Senate.


Retirement Gifts (Chairs or Scholarship Donation & Plaque)

President Diane Jones stated that it is time for retirees to decide if they would like the customary retirement chair, or a scholarship donation and plaque. She asked members to check with retirees and report findings to Diane.


Benefit Highlight – California Casualty Insurance – Amanda Biagioni

Amanda was a no show.



President Diane Jones reported that the Presidential Search Committee has forwarded 3-5 names to the Board of Trustees for the Superintendent/President Position. The Board will meet with candidates February 2nd and 3rd, and place the item on its February agenda. The Vice-President of Instruction position announcements went out. The Association stated that we would like to see open forums as a part of this process.


Vicki Herder stated that we might email adjunct faculty and invite them to join the Faculty Association. Adjuncts are being asked to work on SLOs, and maybe it is time to revamp the adjunct contract.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.

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