September 04, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Dual Enrollment Committee Agenda for Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cougar Room

  1. Approval of the Minutes from May 1, 2019
  2. TC/DEC Charter
  3. TC/TUHS Dual Enrollment MOU update
  4. Concurrent Student Enrollment update
  5. Dual Enrollment updates
  6. Other
  7. Next Meeting – Wednesday, October 2


Minutes – Taft College Dual Enrollment Committee
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Attendees:  Greg Golling, Diane Jones, Caroline Schoneweis, Tammy Sutherland, Mary Alice Finn, Vicki Jacobi, Kristi Richards, Leslie Minor, Jessica Grimes, Ruby Payne, Tori Furman and Bill Devine

Minutes were approved for the 5/1/19 meeting

  1. TC/DEC Charter

Greg will send out the committee charter and we will review the charter at the October meeting.

  1. TC/TUHS Dual Enrollment MOU Update

Following the May meeting, Tammy was notified by the Chancellor’s office that dual enrollment unit’s high school teachers teach do not currently count toward their unit load at the community college. The MOU was revised to remove the language referring to the 67% law. Both governing boards approved the revised MOU. Greg asked about the timeline for developing the MOU for the 2020-21 academic year. The committee’s goal is to have the 2020-21 MOU finalized by the April meeting. Caroline asked if she could have access to the Canvas shell of the psychology course in order to monitor the progress of the high school students. Leslie will request that Robin give Caroline access as a TA in the Canvas shell.

  1. Concurrent Student Enrollment Update

Kristi did not have any concurrent enrollment numbers to report. She also mentioned that this semester she will be focused on CTE. There is still an interest to have attributes set in Banner to identify dual and concurrent enrollments separately. Tammy will contact Severo and Vicki will contact IR.

  1. Dual Enrollment Updates

Greg asked if there were plans for any other courses to be added to the dual enrollment program. The only classes under consideration are related to the Career Choices curriculum.

  1. Other

Tori reported that she plans to submit courses on behalf of the Learning Support Division to the curriculum committee relating to the Career Choices program (Get Focused Stay Focused) currently being taught at TUHS. Eventually this 3-unit course could be offered as dual enrollment and meet an Area E requirement. The soonest the course could be offered, as dual enrollment would be Fall 2021. Vicki asked if the 2017-18 dual enrollment handbook should be updated. The committee will discuss this at the October meeting. Mary Alice asked if TUHS could put links on the TUHS website directly to the TC website related to dual enrollment information. The committee thought that was a good idea. Greg will bring food to the next meeting.


Next meeting – Wednesday, October 2, 2019, at 12:10pm in the Cougar Room