November 06, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Dual Enrollment Committee

 Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019

12:10 p.m. 

Cougar Room

  1. Approval of the Minutes from October 2, 2019
  2. Dual Enrollment updates:
  3. Canvas Access
  4. Student Attribution in Banner
  5. CCAP Agreement
  6. Other
  7. Next Meeting – Wednesday, December 4

TC:DEC Agenda 11-6-19 (DOCX)


Minutes – Taft College Dual Enrollment Committee
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Attendees:  Greg Golling, Diane Jones, Caroline Schoneweis, Tammy Sutherland, Mary Alice Finn, Darcy Bogle, Vicki Jacobi, Kristi Richards, Leslie Minor, Jessica Grimes, Ruby Payne, Tori Furman and Bill Devine

Minutes were approved for the 10/2/19 meeting

  1. Dual Enrollment Updates
  2. Canvas Access

Leslie reported that currently there is no way to create separate groups in Canvas for the high school instructor to only see the high school students in the psychology course. It was recommended that the Taft College instructor email progress reports every two weeks going forward and this also be our standard procedure for the course in future semesters. Leslie will communicate this process to the current instructor.

  1. Student Attribution in Banner

Tammy plans to meet with Darcy to make sure the dual enrollment students are flagged separately from the concurrently enrolled students. Once the report is created then the committee needs to send a request to IR to generate the report in Sept. and Feb. of each year for our committee to review.

  1. CCAP Agreement

Greg mentioned there were two CCAP agreements he had emailed out to the committee. One was dated 10/27/17 and the other 4/3/18. The 4/3/18 document was missing the document that Leslie was asking about that listed the management courses. The only CCAP courses that were presented to the Academic Senate and the Board were WELD 1500 and INTC 1000. There is no current interest in offering the management courses. The welding course is also not being offered due to budget and enrollment issues at TUHS. Leslie asked Tori to forward her emails documenting the issues with the welding course. Also, Diane will forward Leslie prior dual enrollment committee minutes that discuss the issue. The committee recommended status quo with the current dual enrollment program.

  1. Other

Leslie asked if the dual enrollment courses at the high school meet the required number of minutes. Caroline and Tammy assured her that the courses meet the required number of minutes. Tammy will send Leslie a copy of the TUHS schedule as documentation. Leslie stated that an IP (in progress) grade could be used, if necessary. Vicki and Mary Alice mentioned two dual enrollment conferences being held on Nov. 12th and Nov. 15th. Vicki reported that members of the CAPP grant will be attending the Nov. 15th conference. Leslie will bring snacks to the next meeting.


Next meeting – Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at 12:10pm in the Cougar Room

TC Dual Enrollment Minutes 11.06.19 -2 (DOCX)