September 12, 2013 Meeting


1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 17, 2013
2. Adopted 2013/2014 District Budget
3. Review Charter


Members Present: Barbara Amerio, Sheri Horn-Bunk, Fernando Lara, Brock McMurray and Sonja Swenson
Members Absent: David Layne


  • The minutes for the meeting held May 17, 2013 were approved by consensus.


  • Tentative budget was passed by the WKCCD Board on May 8, 2013.
  • Final budget was approved and passed by the WKCCD Board on September 11, 2013.

Recommendation: Place a copy of the adopted budget on file in the Library.

Brock asked the committee for discussion related to the current charter and role of the committee which is:

  • Monitor budgetary issues;
  • Inform the Governance Council of available resources for new positions and programs;
  • Provide the Governance Council with the costs of proposed projects;
  • Inform the Governance Council regarding budgetary issues.

Based upon the discussion, it was agreed that costs of proposed projects should be at the department level and not within this committee therefore we should remove the third role listed above.
Recommendation: Present recommended changes to the Governance Council for approval.
The committee agreed to keep the bulleted items below:
• Understands Taft College approved budget
• Understands state budget and Taft College’s allocation
• Knows fixed expenses
• Is aware of new funding sources
o Recommendation for a 2% COLA instead of 1.57% will be presented to the Board for approval
o Contingency funding is available for the difference in salaries from the adopted budget
o We participate in a low interest loan from the state called the TRAN to deal with cash flow issues related to receiving taxes only twice a year.
o The Governor’s budget is very conservation – there’s a possibility if funding is increased we might get additional funds.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 10/10/13 at 2 p.m. in the HR Conference Room
Respectfully submitted by:
Debbie Hegeman

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