September 15, 2021 Meeting




Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cougar Room

12:10PM TO 1:00PM

Call to Order

Public Comment

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval August 16, 2021 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Informational Items:

  1. Brown Act Legislation update from ASCCC INFORMATION

Legislation moving through the process (AB 361; Robert Rivas, 2021, as of 3 September 2021) that would allow the current allowances to be maintained during a declared state of emergency.  This bill was amended to go into effect immediately if signed.


  1. ACCJC Site-visit – Virtual, Sept 27-30 (3 minutes) DISCUSSION

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances revision (3 minutes) ACTION

Recommendation to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole for approval.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole

  1. Curriculum Committee Charter ACTION

Forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve.

  1. Strategic Action Plan (5 minutes, X. Li) ACTION 

Forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve.

  1. Outlook Room Reservation information INFORMATION


  1. Professional Development/Training/Orientation for Committee Members Training for Academic Senate Standing Committee Chairs DISCUSSION

Other Announcements





Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cougar Room 12:10PM TO 1:00PM

Attendees: Jennifer Altenhofel, Kanoe Bandy, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Vicki Jacobi, & Lori Travis

Guest: Xiaohong Li

Call to Order: 12:13

Public Comment None

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval August 16, 2021 Minutes with no changes

Informational Items:

  1. Brown Act Legislation update from ASCCC

Legislation moving through the process (AB 361; Robert Rivas, 2021, as of 3 September 2021) that would allow the current allowances to be maintained during a declared state of emergency. Passage of the bill as amended to go into effect immediately if signed. Discussion regarding whom else this affects like various boards. If not passed, will need to continue with face-to-face meetings only.


  1. ACCJC Site-visit – Virtual, Sept 27-30-by the end of September 17 week, should hear if additional materials are needed. Waiting for schedule of who the visiting team wants to meet this. Li is the liaison for accreditation. The team may want to meet with Senate Council, Senators, and Distance Education faculty to name a few. They will want to look at a certain percentage of our online courses, with seeing students or grades. Minutes should last only 15 -30 minutes. Any time conflicts would go to
  2. Li.

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances revision- Discussion regarding the 10-day window to file a grievance. Clarification provided; 10-days ‘of the incident OR 10 days after the student learns of the basis for the grievance”. Would like to see if 30 days amendment would be acceptable. Eveland stated

30-day in place of the current 10-days could lead to no end point for filing of a grievance. Would like student handbook that contains grievance procedure at ASO website and Canvas shell so readily accessible to students. Asked for training on this procedure during in-service.

Motion to move to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole for approval, 1st-J.Altenhofel and 2nd J. Chaidez. Motion carried.

Request to reorder agenda items 5 and 6, motion 1st-V. Jacobi, 2nd-G. Dyer

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole

  1. Strategic Action Plan (previously item 6) Presented by X. Li-New SAP for 3 years through 2024 starting this Same goals with leading and lagging indicators. Need to update Educational Master Plan 2023-2024. Highlights included adding a purpose statement for SAP, added Activities column, used a different process from previous years to develop plan going through departments and committee chairs. Need to add activities to support goal achievements, separated degrees and certificates from totals, removed vague goals that are embedded on other goals such as Guided Pathways and Integrated Plan, Foundation removed a goal to have only one, using not only peer data but state averages as comparative data, CCSSEE only indicator with different indicator data using percentage satisfaction. Mean for Taft College higher than national and state average. J

Motion to forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve 1st-K. Bandy 2nd-B. Devine. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Curriculum Committee Charter-previously item 5–minor changes

Motion to forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve 1st G. Dyer 2nd-V. Jacobi. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Outlook Room Reservation information-now anyone can reserve rooms except Cougar Room that still needs to go through S. Criss-Executive Assistant to the President/Superintendent. On IT website under Resources is a step-by-step, screen shot ‘How To’ document.


  1. Professional Development/Training/Orientation for Committee Members Training for Academic Senate Standing Committee Chairs– Training of each committee’s purpose. Should be at the beginning of the fall in-service. Discussed maybe a Canvas shell for each committee with training information. Training on the development of website. Add as action item to next meeting.

Other Announcements None


Motion 1st– B. Devine, 2nd– L. Travis– 1:16 pm

Respectfully submitted by, Vicki Jacobi

Acting Secretary

Vice President Academic Senate