September 13, 2021 Meeting





Cougar Room

12:10PM to 1PM

Call to Order

Public Comment

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes August 20, 2021 Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. ACCJC Site-visit – Virtual, Sept 27-30 Preparations and what to expect INFORMATION
  3. Reminder: Committee self-evaluation and setting of annual goal(s) INFORMATION


Academic Senate Goals

Action Items

  1. None

Information/Discussion Items                                                                      POSSIBLE ACTION

  1. New CCCCO Dashboard for Transfer Completion [AB 705] (V. Jacobi) DISCUSSION
  2. SLO Coordinator: Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Report to the Academic Senate DISCUSSION
  3. Proposed change to Title 5 Regulations: Excused Withdrawal, Pass/No Pass INFORMATION

Notice of proposed rulemaking and text from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office titled, “Excused Withdrawal & Pass-No Pass Grading.” Comments must be received by the Regulations Coordinator prior to 4:00 p.m. October 24, 2021.

  1. Brown Act Training Q/A follow-up DISCUSSION
  2. Declared State of Emergency/Brown Act Legislation update from ASCCC INFORMATION

Legislation moving through the process (AB 361; Robert Rivas, 2021, as of 3 September 2021) that would allow the current allowances to be maintained during a declared state of emergency.  This bill was amended to go into effect immediately if signed.

  1. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – October DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) DISCUSSION

Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION





MONDAY, September 13, 2021

12:10 to 1 PM

Cougar Room

Taft College

Call to Order:

12:12   General welcome by President Eveland


M. Beasley, A. Bledsoe, N, Cahoon, J. Chaidez, C. Duron, S. Eveland, S. Getty, V. Jacobi, D. Jones, J. Mendenhall, T. Mendoza, D. Mitchell, M. Oja, R. Payne, J. Rangel-Escobedo, K. Richards, L. Travis, and Natalie Woodall.


D. Daniels, L. Minor, and J. Grimes

Public Commentary:


Action Items: 

1. Approval of Minutes from August 29, 2021, with correction of J. Page and Lori Sundgren.  Motion 1st R. Payne 2nd N. Cahoon-All approved

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update:
    1. September 27-30 Accreditation team virtual visit, report looks good and flows nicely according to the team. Reminder that senators may be called to meet with the team.
    2. Vaccination mandates from President Biden. Waiting to hear OSH regulations
    3. Dr Oja gave a great presentation to the recent Board of Trustee’s meeting. Encouraged people to apply for the next time a sabbatical is offered.
  2. ACCJC Site-visit – Virtual, Sept 27-30 Preparations and what to expect: President Eveland stated Dr. Daniels covered the accreditation visit.
  3. Reminder: Committee self-evaluation and setting of annual goal(s): Subcommittees need to complete self-evaluations and set annual goals based on the responsibilities of the respective subcommittee.  Where the responsibilities of a Subcommittee align with the Senate approved goals, the Subcommittee is expected to adopt goals supporting the Senate goals.


Senate Goal Contact ASO for appointment of student representative(s) to committee(s). ASO will provide student representative for standing committees.  Encouraged to contact Myisha for student.

Action Items

  1. None

Information/Discussion Items                                                                      POSSIBLE ACTION

  1. New CCCCO Dashboard for Transfer Completion [AB 705]: V. Jacobi presented the Dashboard for completion of math and English in compliance to AB 705. Various features of the dashboard were displayed.
  2. SLO Coordinator: Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Report to the Academic Senate: T. Mendoza provided an update report regarding items in the Canvas shell, departments need to let her know what they need in terms of additional training like what’s the difference between a course objective and student learning outcome. Working with eLumen about rosters being more accurate, course mapping of outcomes, working on agenda for spring in-service.  Members of the committee are L. Travis, J. May, P. Blake, M. Rossi and T. Mendoza. Committee will only make recommendations to the Senate about quality of SLOs.
  3. Proposed change to Title 5 Regulations: Excused Withdrawal, Pass/No Pass

Notice of proposed rulemaking and text from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office titled, “Excused Withdrawal & Pass-No Pass Grading.” Comments must be received by the Regulations Coordinator prior to 4:00 p.m. October 24, 2021. Changes to Title 5 are 10 +1 matter.  Senate needs a legislative liaison to bring these issues forward to the Senate.  These new changes may affect grading.  President Eveland encouraged faculty to read the changes and give input at the October hearing.

  1. Brown Act Training Q/A follow-up: 20 people attended the training, 16 were faculty members. Jones provided feedback that the training was more a historical overview and would have preferred a more ‘nuts and bolts’ approach as to what a chair needs to do.  Asked who is under the Brown Act, President Eveland referred to the Governance Guide on the Institutional Research website. L. Minor to send out power point from the summer Curriculum Institute outlining steps under the Brown Act.
  2. Declared State of Emergency/Brown Act Legislation update from ASCCC

Legislation moving through the process (AB 361; Robert Rivas, 2021, as of 3 September 2021) that would allow the current allowances to be maintained during a declared state of emergency.  If this bill is signed as amended, it will go into effect immediately. ASCCC in spring plenary passed a resolution attempting to fix the declared state of emergency and Brown Act. Asked if not passed, meetings need to be in person and if zoom than the person must post on their door the agenda and zoom link, also information as part of the posted agenda 72 hours in advance, making private residence open to the public for the meeting. (You can’t zoom from your car.)

  1. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – October: Dual Enrollment historical background, status, goals and plans, Report requested from SLO committee, Faculty Professional Development for topics for January in-service, DLE and CTE Committees.
  2. Other Topics of Interest Q&A : none

Open Forum for Announcements:

M. Oja advised to contact her if interested in OER


Motion-1st—M. Oja,,2nd-A. Bledsoe—all in favor, Adjourned 12:55 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Jacobi

Interim Secretary

Vice President Academic Senate