February 06, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Monday February 6, 2017

12:00pm to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the January 11, 2017 Meeting
Comments on Standing Electronic Committee Updates

Information/Discussion Items
1. Strong Workforce Funding Update (Furman)—5 Minutes
2. Replacement of Retiring Faculty (Dyer)—5 Minutes
3. Nomination for Emeritus Status/AP 4115 (Dyer)—5 minutes
   4. Election of Academic Senate Secretary and President—10 Minutes

  1. Criteria for Ranking New Faculty Position Requests (Altenhofel, Oja)—10 Minutes
  2. Academic Development Committee Charter (Sundgren)—5 Minutes
  3. Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter (Jacobi)—5 Minutes
  4. New Definition of Critical Thinking ISLO (Jacobi)—5 Minutes

Other/Open Forum


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole is Monday, March 6, at noon in the Cougar Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 15 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room.



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