April 03, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, April 3, 2017

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary, Candace Duron, April Hanawalt, Stephanie Salomon, Eric Berube, Gary Graupman, Michelle Oja, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Tina Mendoza, Lori Sundgren, Jill Brown, Megan Andrews, Janis Mendenhall, Jessica Grimes, Sharyn Eveland, Kamala Carlson, John Kopp, Juana Escobedo, Danielle Kerr, Mike Jiles, Chris Flachmann, Leigh Golling, Don Thornsberry, Jon Carrithers, Greg Golling, Adam Bledsoe, Joy Reynolds, Chris Chung-Wee, Victoria Waugh, David Mitchell, Dan Hall, Darcy Bogle, Ruby Payne, Diane Jones, Mariza Martinez, Amar Abbott, Shelley Getty, Bill Devine, Jennifer Altenhofel, and Kanoe Bandy.


The meeting was called to order at 12:07 PM.


Public Commentary



Approval of March 6, 2017 Senate Minutes

  • No corrections, minutes approved.


Taft College Promise – Superintendent/President Deb Daniels

  • Superintendent/President Dr. Deb Daniels gave a history of the conceptions of the “promise Programs” and her first-hand experience while working for the Illinois Community College System where she witnessed the positive impact such a promise made to the community and to the college campus. The promise kept bright students in the area and brought an educated workforce to the community. While President at San Bernardino Valley College, Dr. Daniels noticed the need for education and a lack of economic ability to attend college. The promise was offered to local feeder high schools students and began with a small pilot of 20 students. The program consisted of one-year tuition paid, supportive structure, full-time enrollment status of participants, dedicated counseling, cohort model, money, orientation sessions, volunteer college ambassador hours. The success in GPA, persistence, and retention were substantially greater than the resident population. The following year it was expanded to 200 students with a competitive application process and a legacy program.
  • Seeing similar community needs of a population in need of help and wanting to keep an educated workforce in the area, Dr. Daniels has brought the promise program to Taft. In fall 2017 there will be a 20-student pilot promise program. The students will be selected from the high schools within the Taft College service area.
  • The Taft College Promise program will initially be funded through the Harry Wilson Trust. The Foundation is currently seeking other funding sources.
  • A support structure will be offered as part of the TC Promise. Sheri Black has been hired as a consultant through the TC Foundation as a Completion Coach. There is a summer bridge planned for summer 2017, orientations throughout, and student success classes offered. There are future possibilities for scholarships and partnerships with the local CSU.
  • The cost to sponsor a student for one-year is $2500.


Common Assessment Initiative Update – Chaidez

  • Joe’ll Chaidez is not in attendance to present.
  • On a motion by Geoffrey Dyer, seconded by Kelly Reyes-Kulzer, the Common Assessment Initiative update will be postponed to the next Academic Senate meeting.


Draft ASCCC Spring, 2017 Resolutions – Dyer

  • The draft ASCCC resolutions were presented with special attention given to the legal advice provided by the Chancellor’s office regarding DACA.
  • Dan Hall appreciated the resolutions regarding incarcerated students, Distance Education, and the use of Canvas.


Resolution Honoring Dan Hall (second reading) – Dyer

  • On a motion by Sharyn Eveland, seconded by Kelley Kulzer-Reyes, the second reading of the resolution honoring Dan Hall’s contribution as Senate Secretary was approved.


Replacing Retiring Faculty/Faculty Ranking Process – Dyer

  1. Resolution Requesting Annual FON Data and Projected Number of New and Replacement Faculty Positions, First Reading
  • Discussion with Brock McMurray, it is not his office that produces the FON report but the Office of the Vice President.
  • Sharyn Eveland asked to include the total number of full-time positions expected for the coming year to include new, replacement, and the unknown retirements in the first whereas, 3rd line – “provided with the (total) number of new or replacement faculty positions”
  • Jennifer Altenhofel does not want to assume automatically replace of faculty but instead would like to see a reevaluation of need.
  • Geoffrey Dyer explained that historically in December of 2011, five faculty retirements were announced. All were replaced, with the exception of Patti Bench, then Leslie Bauer announced retirement before the vote and the need for psychology was integrated. This was possible because we had the information sooner.
  • Michelle Oja asked where the 50% law compliance information is generated. After a discussion, it was determined that there is a 50% law committee. Greg Golling explained how the 311 report that comes out in October with the previous academic year data is used to predict the following year.
  • On a motion by Sharyn Eveland, seconded by Bill Devine, comments by Eric Berube to include the year in first line of the first whereas so that it reads Whereas, ACCJC 2014 Standard IIID4, Opposed by Michelle Oja and Jennifer Altenhofel, the Resolution Requesting Annual FON Data and Projected Number of New and Replacement Faculty Positions, First Reading was approved.
  1. Relationship between Replacement Positions and New Positions
  • The three options put forward by Geoffrey Dyer reflecting the options for approaching replacement of retiring faculty that have come forward at previous Academic Senate meetings. The resolution to integrate the ranking of replacement positions alongside new positions was not voted on at the last Academic Senate Council meeting.
  • There isn’t a documented policy to automatically replace retiring faculty positions. In some cases the recommendation to Administration to replace retiring positions followed, but now always.
  • Discussion regarding the three options:
    • Option 1: Integrate ranking of retiring faculty position requests into process for ranking new faculty position requests. Move ranking process to January.
    • Option 2: Allow Divisions with retiring faculty to recommend an appropriate replacement position to administration, independent of new faculty position requests. Request that administration fill these positions within a maximum of one year, when sufficient resources are available.
    • Option 3: Recommend that retiring faculty are consistently replaced with another full-time, tenure-track faculty position within one year.
  • Bill Devine will arrange a meeting with the Division Chairs and will draft a resolution with the information generated from the division chair’s discussion to go before the senate council.


BP 5145/AP 5145 – Abbott

  • The board policy and administrative procedure meeting the legal requirements for accessibility was presented.
  • There is a law firm back east that has recently been active in bringing lawsuits against California Community Colleges over the compliance with accessibility, specifically the website.
  • The AP 5145 will provide a process to follow and a document to refer back to.
  • On a motion by Vicki Jacobi, seconded by Bill Devine, the BP 5145 and AP 5145 were approved.


CTE Committee Charter – Furman

  • Tori Furman thanked the Senators who voluntarily participated on the Strong Workforce Taskforce.
  • The senate voted to create a CTE committee to work with administration, make recommendations, discuss projects, and aligned funding with needs.
  • The CTE Committee Charter was presented.
  • Bill Devin suggested the addition of reporting back to the senate into the charter, as the CTE committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Senate.
  • The Academic Senate Council voted to change the charter membership to a minimum of six faculty members.
  • The next step is to ask the Faculty Association to bargain for the CTE Committee to be included as a possible committee assignment.
  • On a motion by Jennifer Altenhofel, seconded by Mike Jiles, the CTE Committee Charter was approved.


Other/Open Forum



Meeting adjourned at 1:03 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary.

Approved 5.1.17