November 09, 2022 Meeting


Taft College

Academic development committee

Meeting Agenda

November 9, 2022

8:10 am to 9:00 AM



Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of October minutes   ACTION




Old Business:

  1. Set Committee goals AY 2022-23     ACTION

New Business:

  1. English and Math Ideas to Improve Success Rates – AB 1705 and AB 705 DISCUSSION
  2. December Meeting Time?     DISCUSSION

Discussion Items

Topics to be addressed in future meetings: Recommendations for supporting the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; Investigation of best practices related to increasing the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; requesting funding for study of best practices and development of recommendations to increase success and throughput of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705.






Taft College

Academic development committee

Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2022

8:10 am to 9:00 AM



Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 8:14 am.

Public Commentary


Attendees: Carlson, K.; Kerr, D.; Mendenhall, J.; Rodenhauser, D. (absent); Sundgren, L. (non-voting member); Travis, L.; Cahoon, N. (guest)


Action Items

  1. Approval of October minutes   ACTION

Approved with corrections by unanimous consent.




Old Business:

  1. Set Committee goals AY 2022-23   ACTION

Approved by unanimous consent.

  1. Work with math and English divisions to align with AB 705 and AB 1705.
  2. Present ideas that will enable all students to be successful in freshman composition and qualitative reasoning.

New Business:

  1. English and Math Ideas to Improve Success Rates – AB 1705 and AB 705 DISCUSSION

Math –

  • Creating new co-reqs
  • Dropping Math 1060 in Fall 23 and cleaning up placement recommendations on all college documents
  • Attend CVHEC Math Group meeting

Math and English –

  • Create pop-up in Banner to recommend enrollment in math and English for new students in first semester at TC. Nathan met with Dr. Minor, Dr. Bell, and D. Bogle to address this.
  • Hire outside programmer to complete this; can possibly use carry-over money according to Lori S.
  • Create cohort for Education students in math, English, education observation, and Earth science.
  1. December Meeting Time?     DISCUSSION

Due to scheduling during finals, ADC will reconvene in January at in-service.


Discussion Items

Topics to be addressed in future meetings: Recommendations for supporting the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; Investigation of best practices related to increasing the success of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705; requesting funding for study of best practices and development of recommendations to increase success and throughput of students affected by AB 705 and AB 1705.



Proposed grant to Taft College Foundation asking for $3,000.00 to complete research covering how other CCC are handling AB 705 and AB 1705. This is tabled.


Meeting adjourned at 9:12 am.