May 21, 2014 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from April meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Contract Update (New contract for 2014-2017)
    2. Faculty Evaluation Procedures
    3. Salary Unit Reports
    4. Compensation


  1. Officers for 2014-15


President               Diane Jones

Vice-President          Mike Mayfield

Secretary               Jessica Grimes

Treasurer               Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team     Diane Jones (Pres.)

Mike Mayfield (VP)

Craig Johnson (term expires 2015)

Greg Golling (term expires 2015)

Kanoe Bandy (term expires 2016)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2017)

Ruby Payne (term expires 2017)


  1. President’s Conference (July 18-July 20, 2014)


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Friday, August 22, 2014, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of May 21, 2014


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:07 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the April 23 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the balance in the association account is $7705.22 before today’s lunch. This year’s scholarship checks have cleared.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Contract Update (New Contract for 2014-2017)

President Diane Jones reported that she has been working with HR Director Jana Peters on updating and cleaning up the language for our new three year contract. The contract and appendices are ready for ratification. Diane will have a clean copy by June, and will distribute copies to members in August. A motion was presented by Craig Johnson and seconded by Ruby Payne to ratify the 2014-2017 contract. Ratified with all votes cast in favor of ratification and one abstention.


Faculty Evaluation Procedures

President Diane Jones reported that the subcommittee recommended keeping the paper version of student evaluations. To preserve the integrity and timeliness of this process, a student will place completed evaluations in a tamper resistant envelope. The envelope will be sealed and signed by the student in front of the class, then given to the instructor who will deliver it to HR by the deadline. A motion was presented by Tony Thompson and seconded by Craig Johnson to ratify the consensus agreement. Ratified Unanimously.


Salary Unit Reports

President Diane Jones reported that salary unit reports went out on Saturday. Most members got one. If you didn’t get one, or if there are errors, email Jana and cc Diane. These reports are a contractual obligation. Diane also reminded the Association that longevity bumps kick in for those eligible in July. Also, keep track of your sick leave and overload sick leave.



President Diane Jones reported that the May revise of the Governor’s budget is out. There were not many substantial changes from the January budget. A consensus was reached in TCFCBC to pass along COLA, currently 0.85% in the May revise, with the caveat that there are no substantial changes in the final budget passed by the State. Diane wants to be very clear that this is not a done deal. She also reminded the Association that we are in compliance with the Frey Report.


Officer and Bargaining Team Nominations 2014-2015

President Diane Jones reminded the Association that officer nominations were presented last time. A ballot was not required since all officer nominations were unopposed. The two vacant bargaining team positions were filled by ballot. Diane opened the floor to ratify the following officers and two new bargaining team members with terms expiring in 2017:


President                  Diane Jones

Vice-President            Mike Mayfield

Secretary                  Jessica Grimes

Treasurer                  Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team            Diane Jones (Pres.)

Mike Mayfield (VP)

Craig Johnson (term expires 2015)

Greg Golling (term expires 2015)

Kanoe Bandy (term expires 2016)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2017)

Ruby Payne (term expires 2017)


A motion was presented by Michelle Oja and seconded by Sharyn Eveland to ratify the listed officers and new bargaining team members. Ratified Unanimously.


President’s Conference (July 18 – July 20, 2014)

President Diane Jones reported that she and Treasurer Ruby Payne would be attending this year’s conference in San Jose. CTA normally pays for most of this. Diane requested approval to spend up to $500 per person for any costs not covered by CTA. A motion was presented by Craig Johnson and seconded by Vicki Jacobi to approve up to $500 per person. Unanimously Approved.



President Diane Jones reported that SISC agreed to a new prescription carrier. If you are being charged incorrectly for you prescriptions let Jana know. Diane also thanked Jeff Ross for his years of service to the Faculty Association as President and Vice President. She also thanked Tony Thompson for his years of service to the Faculty Association in bargaining.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:39 pm.

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