January 14, 2014 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from November meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. District Service Incentive –Longevity Program
    2. Retro-pay (Summer)
    3. Evaluations
    4. Sabbatical Process
    5. Grant Positions & Special Projects


  1. Contract Highlight – 6.5.3 (see below)


  1. Retirement Board of Authority Member

Next meeting: April 11, 2014, 10:15 – 12:00, Cougar Room


  1. Faculty Retirement


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)



6.5.3 All other extra-duty assignments or projects offered to faculty will be posted and follow the Human Resources selection process. Hours will be clearly defined and will include written outcomes. First consideration will be given to TC faculty. Emergency assignments will be made with AEER Committee approval.


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of January 14, 2014


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:12 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the November 27 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

President Diane Jones reported that the balance in the association account is $11258.84 before today’s lunch.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

District Service Incentive

President Diane Jones reminded the Association that our current incentive of a voluntary 10% bonus for three years after 25 years of district service might not pass an audit. Specifically, it is not listed on the salary schedule and it is enacted and ends instead of being ongoing. Diane ran our language past Alan Frey and our CTA representative, and both stated we could be on shaky ground with our current program. A consensus was reached in the last TCFCBC meeting on the following longevity bonus based on years of full time district to the district:


Current year of full-time service Bonus Paid on Normal Salary Schedule Pay
16-20 1%
21-25 2%
26+ 6%


Upon ratification, this longevity program will take effect July 1, 2014. A motion was presented by Tony Thompson and seconded by David Layne to ratify the consensus agreement. Ratified Unanimously



President Diane Jones reminded the Association that there was an error in the summer retro pay. The number of workweeks in July were not counted properly. The Office of Instruction has looked into this on a case by case basis, and this should be corrected with a mid-February payment.




President Diane Jones reminded members that she reported on this issue in our last Association meeting. A subcommittee has been formed from the bargaining group. TCFCBC will go through the process and Diane will bring back information for discussion in a future Faculty Association meeting. The goal will be to shore up and straighten out the evaluation process.


Sabbatical Process

President Diane Jones reported that this has been an ongoing process. Progress was made in the last TCFCBC meeting. The general process looks something like at the beginning of each academic year the President will announce the number of available sabbaticals, if any, for the following academic year. Approved sabbaticals will take place during the next academic year. Diane will bring this back to the Association once work in TCFCBC is complete.


Grant Positions and Special Projects

President Diane Jones reported that Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams pulled her aside at the last TCFCBC meeting to talk about appointing a full-time grant coordinator. Since this is going to be a full-time assignment, section 6.5.3 of our contract (see below) does not apply. The district has the right of assignment. Any courses taught by this individual will be paid at the adjunct rate.


Contract Highlight – 6.5.3

President Diane Jones led a discussion on this section of the contract. “All other extra-duty assignments or projects offered to faculty will be posted and follow the Human Resources selection process. Hours will be clearly defined and will include written outcomes. First consideration will be given to TC faculty. Emergency assignments will be made with AEER Committee approval.”


Retirement Board of Authority Member

President Diane Jones reported that Superintendent/President Dena Maloney would like to forward three, four, or five names to the Board of Trustees for appointment to the Retirement Board of Authority. In our last meeting, Sharyn Eveland expressed her desire to serve. Diane opened the floor for any other interested Association members. Mariza Martinez reported that Treasurer Ruby Payne was interested, and Greg Golling indicated his desire to serve as well. Diane will forward these three names to Dena.


Faculty Retirement

President Diane Jones reported that Vice President Jeff Ross indicated both his intent to retire and his desire to receive the traditional chair from the Association. A motion was presented by Craig Johnson and seconded by David Layne to authorize the purchase of the chair from Association funds. Motion Unanimously Approved



President Diane Jones reported that the Office of Instruction has been contacting individual instructors about cancelling low enrollment courses without going through Division Chairs. A discussion ensued delineating the multiple reasons why this is a bad practice. It will be addressed in the next Division Chairs meeting. Diane also reported that after just bargaining enrollment limits, a course was overenrolled to 47 students. Wendy Berry shared her experiences in trying to determine who is keeping track of flex hours and sick leave hours. Diane will look into this. Vicki Jacobi shared her experience with the Office of Instruction filling out absence slips going back two years for faculty members working in student services. This resulted in a double docking since slips were already filled out and submitted. Sharyn Eveland asked about the practice of keeping track of normal sick leave hours versus overload sick leave hours. Chris Chung-Wee asked if it would be possible for the Office of Instruction to publish the final exam schedule on a more predictable timetable. Tony Thompson reported that Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams agreed to the Academic Senate conditions for regular attendance of Senate Meetings. If he has something to discuss, he will make sure it gets on the agenda, and he will leave the room whenever he is asked to do so.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 pm.

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