April 23, 2014 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update (no meeting since last TCFA meeting)
    1. Sabbatical Process MOU approved
    2. Contract Update (New contract for 2014-2017)


  1. Officer Nominations for 2014-15


  1. TCFA Scholarships for 2013-14


  1. Faculty Appreciation Week May 5 – 9, 2014


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of April 23, 2014


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:12 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the March 26 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the balance in the association account is $10,317.63 before today’s lunch. This year’s scholarship checks have not yet been written.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Sabbatical Process

President Diane Jones reported that there has not been a TCFCBC meeting since our last Faculty Association meeting due to spring break and a rescheduling to accommodate the Governance Council. The April TCFCBC meeting will be on May 2, and the normal May meeting will take place on May 15. The memorandum of understanding (MOU) was approved by the Board of Trustees in April. The contract language and supporting documents can be found on the Faculty Resource page of the school website.


Contract Update (New Contract for 2014-2017)

President Diane Jones reported that we are at the end of our three year contract. The District wants another three year contract. Diane is working with HR on updating and cleaning up the language. The draft will be reviewed in the next TCFCBC meeting.


Officer and Bargaining Team Nominations 2014-2015

President Diane Jones opened the floor to nominations for Officers during the 2014-2015 academic year.   Craig Johnson nominated Diane Jones to continue serving as President, Diane Jones nominated Mike Mayfield for Vice President, Ruby Payne nominated Jessica Grimes for Secretary, and Diane Jones nominated Ruby Payne to continue serving as Treasurer.  No other nominations were presented. A paper ballot is not required in this case. Diane will look to ratify the following officers in our next Association meeting:


President                   Diane Jones

Vice President            Mike Mayfield

Secretary                  Jessica Grimes

Treasurer                  Ruby Payne


Diane also stated that Mike Mayfield’s term on the bargaining team expires this year. Additionally, Jeff Ross is retiring and Tony Thompson is stepping down after 10 years on the team. She reminded the association that per our bylaws, the President and Vice President are automatically on the bargaining team, while the remaining five members are elected to rotating three year terms. This leaves two vacancies on the bargaining team. Diane opened the floor for nominations. Brian Jean nominated Ruby Payne, Joell Chaidez nominated Candice Duron, and Greg Golling nominated Jessica Grimes. With three nominations for two positions, a paper ballot is in order. Since our next meeting is during finals, Diane will place paper ballots into dues paying members mailboxes.


TCFA Scholarships for 2013-2014

President Diane Jones reported that the Scholarship Committee consisting of Juana Rangel-Escobedo, David Lane and Diane Jones met and decided to award three $500 and five $300 scholarships. Diane Jones will present these eight scholarships at the luncheon in May.


Faculty Appreciation Week May 5-9, 2014

President Diane Jones reported the ASB would be hosting a series of events for Faculty Appreciation Week (May 5-9). They did a good job last year, and she encourages members to attend.



President Diane Jones reported that Manny Campos has been appointed to the Board of Trustees to replace the retiring Carolyn Hosking. This position will be up for election in November. Jennifer Altenhofel reported that adjunct faculty have asked her two questions: 1) does the union represent them? 2) Is there seniority for adjuncts? Diane stated that the Association represents all faculty. A discussion ensued pertaining to seniority of adjuncts. As a result of this discussion, Diane agreed to send an email to all adjuncts clarifying that the Association does represent them, but they are at-will employees not subject to seniority. Diane Jones also reported that all overload retro pay for prior adjunct experience should now be taken care of, and faculty members eligible to move on the salary schedule should receive a report from HR by May 10.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:42 pm.

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