Student Guide to Learning Outcomes

The Vision of Taft College instills a passion for learning, leading to success for all.

In order to ensure that students achieve their goals, Taft College has adopted a culture of facilitating student learning through the assessment of learning outcomes and using assessment data to continuously improve all areas impacting students and their success.

What is a Student Learning Outcome?

Student learning outcomes (SLOs) are general skills and knowledge that refer to overarching specific observable characteristics which students are expected to demonstrate to determine if learning has occurred as a result of a course, program, activity,or process. The Faculty/and or Student Services staff responsible for a course or program decide overall qualities or abilities a successful student should have after completing a course or program; those become the student learning outcomes. Faculty and staff assess their outcomes; that is; they find a way to determine their students are achieving those desired outcomes. However, the assessments of the learning outcomes are not necessarily part of the students’ grades in the courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the learning outcomes for my course and where can I find them?
    All learning outcomes are published on the syllabus for each course. Instructors may inform their students using another method during class time. Check out all Course, Program and Institutional Learning Outcomes here.
  • Will this affect my grade?

    Instructors will be assessing course, program, or institutional level SLOs relevant to the course. The assignments, tests or activities that students are traditionally graded on will be used as assessment tools in order to gauge how students are performing throughout the semester as well as at the end of the course. Methods of assessment will vary depending on what skill, ability or level of knowledge is being measured. Faculty assess learning outcomes to improve student learning and to decide how to improve courses in academic programs.

  • What activities might be used to assess my SLOs?
    • Case Study
    • Oral Presentation
    • Counseling Session
    • Paper
    • Debate
    • Problem Based Inquiry
    • Dental Procedure
    • Reflection
    • Examination
    • Research Project
    • Flow Chart/Diagram
    • Test
    • Lab Assignment
    • Written Assignment
    • Mock Interview
  • What is an assessment and how does this affect me?

    An assessment is a process by which faculty and/or student services staff determine if students are achieving the SLO. Many different methods may be used to assess an SLO. All methods of assessment will provide a clear definition of skills, knowledge or values achieved by the student. Assessments of a group of students using the same SLO and measurement scale (rubric) will determine if there are gaps in learning. By tracking the SLO achievement of a student throughout their academic career at Taft College, the Institution will be able to ensure that the student is ready to rise to the next level of success whether it be transferring to a four year institution or joining the workforce. Taft College regularly assesses programs in order to make improvements to the program and to help students academically and professionally. The sources below provide outcome assessments results, graduation rates, course retention and success rates for students and transfer rates for each program.

    See our latest annual program review.

  • Can I see my assessment results?

    The Taft College Senior Research Assistant, Brandy Young, is available to provide individual SLO assessment results to students.

  • Who can answer my questions about SLOs?

    The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee members are available to answer questions regarding SLOs and Assessment.

Support Contacts

Adam Bledsoe, SLO Coordinator
[email protected]

Brandy Young, Executive Assistant, Institutional Effectiveness
661-763-7944[email protected]