Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee (SLOASC) Charter
Role and Relationship with Other Committees
As a subcommittee of Academic Senate, SLOASC is responsible for recommendations of policy and procedures that will be forwarded to the Academic Senate for approval. SLOASC will draft policies, guide college-wide action, and identify and provide resources as appropriate to the culture of Taft College and accreditation standards in reference to SLOs.
SLOASC reviews all SLOs for clarity and measurability, including Program and Course level learning outcomes, then provides a recommendation to the Curriculum and General Education Committee.
The committee will provide guidance to the SLO Coordinator on specific tasks include the following:
- Promote knowledge and expertise of SLOs at Taft College.
- Identify and target existing assessment of SLOs at Taft College in key programs in advance of Program Review.
- Using the current accreditation standards, identify areas to improve the college’s progress in student learning outcomes and take action to move the college forward in using assessment data for decision making.
- Act as representatives of faculty in the area of SLOs at Taft College.
- Establish and facilitate assessment practices that will improve SLOs.
- Facilitate, promote, and integrate assessment practices that are not only meaningful, but easy for faculty to participate in.
- Facilitate follow-up activities for improvement based on completed SLO assessments.
- Organize and plan SLO day for in-service
- Manage TC SLO Rubric for Revisions and New Course SLOs
- Use SLO Revision/New Course form for tracking purposes
Meeting Schedule
The SLOASC will meet for one hour, once a month, during the fall and spring semesters. Agendas and minutes will be recorded.
Structure of the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee
- The SLOASC follows the college model of approval by consensus.
- Chaired by SLO Coordinator
- The Chair is responsible for reviewing minutes and building agendas
- Quorum is a simple majority (50% plus one) of voting membership
Voting Membership
- SLO Coordinator
- Appointed faculty members designated by the Academic Senate
Non-Voting Membership
- A student representative (if available)
- Vice President of Instruction or designee
Approved by SLOASC: September 16, 2024