February 08, 2019 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda
Friday, February 8, 2019
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Counseling Center Conference Room
1. Approval of Minutes – January 10, 2019

2. Planning Guide – Brief update on completion of final draft
– Sharyn’s edits
– Vicki – Instructional Plan
– Governance Council review date – March?

3. ACCJC Training – Quick Recap

4. Accreditation Steering Committee Membership and Timeline
– Subcommittee and Structure
– Approve timeline and send to Governance Council

5. Program Review and Strategic Action Plan Alignment
– Review process and update timeline
– SPC 2018/19 Goal – Identify actions and responsible parties behind the new Strategic Action Plan metrics.

6. Next Meeting – March 1st or March 8th


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Counseling Center Conference Room


Members present:  Vicki Jacobi, Sharyn Eveland, Marty Morales, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, and Julie Marty-Pearson


Members absent: Amanda Bauer, Windy Martinez and Severo Balason


Secretary: Brandy Young

Approval of Minutes – January 10, 2019
Minutes were approved with the following changes:

  • In the Accreditation Steering Committee Membership list, correct Tori’s title to Career Development Counselor and add CTE to Jessica’s title.

Planning Guide
Sharyn is still making edits to the document. Vicki is still working on her piece. The guide will be a living document. The name has been changed to Taft College Timelines, Responsibilities, and Institutional Plans, “TC TRIP.” There are still more pieces to be added. Will bring to the Governance Council in March. It is important to note that the guide will be updated as needed.


ACCJC Training – Quick Recap
Julie gave a brief overview of the training that was held on January 25th.

Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) Membership and Timeline
Julie reviewed the two handouts: 1. Accreditation Steering Committee and 2. Tentative Timeline and Process for 2021 ISER. Amanda Bauer was not included in the original steering committee document and will be added. Add Amar Abbott’s title: High Tech Center Access Specialist. The ASC Secretary has yet to be decided. Julie and Dr. Daniels will be co-chairs of the ASC. Julie asked for suggestions. Suggestions are:

  • Add a Counseling rep
  • Add Brandy Young as ASC Secretary
  • The new VPI may want to sit on SPC and the ASC. We will need to confirm with her when she starts. The Interim Dean of Instruction position will be added to the subcommittee list if the VPI joins SPC
  • Sharyn will be the new Academic Senate President in fall 2019
  • Remove Vicki Jacobi as co-chair of Standard I. She will be a member of a subcommittee


The Committee discussed the development of the timeline and the ASC. There was much discussion on how the subcommittees should be formed. It was recommended that we choose a small group that is represented by each constituent, Classified, Management and Faculty to be on a subcommittee and identify resources (individuals with specific information to assist).

  • Identify the Chair, the subcommittee members and the related resources
  • Define the roles of the Chairs, Subcommittees and resources
  • Define the sequence of activity of the subcommittee, ie., evidence collection
  • Activities should be sequenced to go with the overall plan to address the standards
  • The Chairs should understand the sequence of activities that take place, designate time for those activities to occur with deadlines
  • A “retreat like” meeting will be scheduled so that accreditation themes can be identified
  • Sources of evidence will be identified to support the thematic pieces
  • Use Vicki’s SLO template
  • This information will be shared with Chairs and subcommittees to identify gaps
  • Form subcommittees in fall 2019, train them on documentation strategies
  • Organizational tools for evidence repository – MindView and Trello?
  • Use Nvivo for qualitative and quantitative analysis tool – for Standards thematic data
  • Roles and responsibilities will be discussed at the March 8th meeting
  • Theme Retreat scheduled for March 29th 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Present information to the Governance Council in May and give continuous updates as needed


Program Review and Strategic Action Plan Alignment

The committee will begin the discussion on possibly revising the program review process. Many people have expressed an interest in going to a 2 or 3 year comprehensive process and continue with an annual update of goals. (Not necessarily create new goals each year). The issue is measuring improvement in such a short time period. The funding timeline is a factor as well. This item will be discussed at the March or April meeting and go to Governance Council for review.


The next SPC meeting will be on March 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the Counseling Center Conference Room.


Respectfully submitted by:  Brandy Young