February 23, 2018 Meeting


West Kern Community College District

ITC Meeting Agenda

Friday, February 23, 2018

Science 11, 11:00—12:00 a.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Instructional Technology Update
    1. Distance Education
    2. Instructional / Classroom Equipment Needs
    3. Faculty Equipment Needs
  3. Network Update
    1. 20 CIS Standards
    2. 10Gb Circuit – Anticipated June 2018
    3. Updated Password Policy
    4. Network Infrastructure
    5. Login Banner (Information Item)
    6. UPS Equipment Replacement
    7. Planned Downtimes
  4. E-mail Update
    1. Retiree E-mail
    2. E-mail Retention Policy
  5. Technology Master Plan Update
  6. Next Meeting: Friday, March 17, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. (S-11)


Members Present:

Andy Prestage, Dan Hall, Nicole Avina, Bill Devine, Shelly Getty, Mark Gibson, Gustavo Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

John Dodson, John Eigenauer, Richard Hudson, Aldrin Luben, Brock McMurray, Tiffany Rowden,


There were no guests


Dan Hall facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks recorded the meeting.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • There was a minor adjustment to November’s minutes. Dan Hall’s second-listed name needs to be deleted since he was listed twice under committee absences.  The committee then approved the minutes from November’s meeting.
  1. Instructional Technology Update
  2. Distance Education
  • Dan Hall/Distance Ed. Office will be applying for the OEI Consortium. Applications are due in March.  This would mean that TC would offer a percentage of distance ed. courses to the exchange.  The courses would need to go through a quality control process to ensure the quality of our course offerings meet the course-designed rubric. If any course fall short of the rubric, an instructional designer would be assigned to help the instructor bring the course to standards, at no charge.  As part of the Consortium (if accepted), many resources (i.e. Net Tutor and Cranium Café) would be free for everyone to use (even our face-to-face students).
  • Cranium Café license will not be renewed due to cost.
  • A survey is being sent out to distance ed. students seeking feedback about the availability/access to instructional videos/tools within their online courses.
  • Andy asked the committee about receipt of emailed IT Department satisfaction survey. The survey went out to the campus community on Thursday Feb. 22 to obtain feedback about IT services.  The completed survey will help Andy evaluate the IT department.
  • Andy informed the committee that Ellucian will be coming to the campus to conduct a Banner Financial System review. The review will be used to help evaluate better usage of our Banner Financial software.  Representatives will be on campus April 4th and 5th to conduct interviews as part of the review.  There will be no charge to the campus for the review.
  1. Instructional / Classroom Equipment Needs
  • Recently, Andy worked with David Mitchell and Brian Jean on a need for an iPad refresh of about 105 needed new iPads. IT receives an annual state fund allocation to help pay for needed classroom computer equipment and Andy asked for input of utilizing these funds to help in the purchase.
  • Andy also is asking for input from the committee in utilizing the annual state funds to possibly replace computers in T14 and T15 with either all-in-ones or thin clients.
  • Andy asked for input on replacing projecting screens around campus.
  • If anyone has any input about these ideas please let him know either now or after the meeting.
  • Abbas mentioned he’d like some new iPads for his classes and would like to be considered for accessing funds.
  • David Reynolds. is offering 25 iPad 2s or 3s and a cart since he’s replacing them with some new iPads he very recently purchased with a grant.
  1. Faculty Equipment Needs
  • Shelly Getty mentioned she overheard Steve Lytle and Ruby Payne state they will need new Macs soon since they’re over five years old.
  • David Reynolds asked Andy if the equipment replacement process will be continued to be reviewed. Andy responded yes with the topic to be discussed further later on in the meeting.  Mark added there’s hopes to update the IT department website to include computer equipment models/standards including pricing for faculty/staff to view and select when ready to purchase new computer equipment for office use.
  1. Network Update
  2. 20 CSC (Critical Security Controls) Standards
  • Mark brought a copy and talked about the Critical Security Control rules that are issued from the state. Mark is advising that TC really needs to start following these rules.
  • The state sent out a survey that Mark completed and upon completion, the survey revealed our campus did not do very well when it comes to system security.
  • There are 20 rules and each rule is broken down on how the rule is met. Mark briefly went over the top 10 rules.  Many of the rules will be easy to follow, but some of them may be a bit more complex to where, as indicated by Andy, they will need to be introduced as carefully and as slowly as possible to the campus while preserving a sense of security.
  • Andy asked the question of what would happen if we don’t follow these rules. Mark indicated, as part of the state security group and out of a group discussion, there is the thought that the Chancellor may tie any if not all of these security rules to accreditation. This could mean that if any campus does not meet security standards, that campus may not receive accreditation.
  • David Reynolds was a question about creating security awareness training. Mark, through what’s available from the state, could put 10 people through a brief training.  Training participants would receive certificates upon training completion.  However, the Chancellor’s office is looking at replacing the current training and making registration so easy that eventually Mark will only need to enter the Taft College domain name and everyone would be registered for training.  Mark has also spoken with Tiffany on making the security training mandatory as part of the onboarding process for new employees.
  1. 10Gb Circuit – Anticipated June 2018
  • Per Mark, in working with the Chancellor’s office, the representatives informed him about three months ago that the circuit will be completed by December, but didn’t specify the year. He hasn’t heard anything more since December when permits were being pulled.
  1. Updated Password Policy
  • Mark needs to make changes to the AD so the policy will only apply to staff and faculty accounts. Classrooms will not need to follow the policy.  Once Mark makes the changes, he’ll put the policy in place and make sure changes are successful.  If the changes are successful, staff and faculty passwords will be required to be renewed every year.
  • Mark mentioned he’s working on a single sign-on for students to log on to campus devises themselves. A demonstration will be happening sometime next week with a company who sells the single sign-on software.  The price of the software will be 75% off with the consideration of the CCC contract.  When students log on to the system with the single sign-on, they will have instantaneous access to various software without the need to use separate usernames and passwords.
  1. Network Infrastructure
  • Per Andy and Mark, all of our switches are older than 10 years old and desperately needs replacing. Andy and Mark will be working together in drafting a costly shopping list in hopes of replacing this much-needed equipment.
  1. Login Banner (Information Item)
  • Committee members each received a handout that was actually a printed screen shot of Andy’s screen displaying the Banner logon. This is, for now, only implemented in in the IT office but would possibly be implemented campus wide.
  • The reason for the Banner logon is to steer people away who do not need to access our systems.
  • Per Mark, some areas (departments) will have more strict logons than others due to information sensitivity.
  1. UPS Equipment Replacement
  • Our uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs) with battery packs, which are designed to last two years, are also about 12 years old and need to be replaced. Per Andy, this means is power goes out these UPS devises that are designed to keep our critical phones running and other means of electronic communication will instantly blink off if the power goes out.  A lot of our infrastructure equipment was bought by funds from the previous bond without any planned means of future funds for replacement.
  1. Planned Downtimes
  • Per Mark, he will need some downtimes to do patches and updates, but he guarantees the downtimes will not occur during operating hours. The times he would need will most likely be early mornings or afterhours.
  • Mark will give advance notice to the campus when he needs to bring the systems offline for whatever reason.
  1. Confidentiality Agreement
  • All committee employees were given a copy of a confidentiality agreement.
  • Per Andy, all staff in IT signed a confidentiality agreement form. This agreement, however, was not mandatory for IT staff to sign.
  • Andy feels this agreement will go district-wide.
  • All new employees will sign this agreement and, at some point, will go to existing employees.
  1. Banner 8/9 Updates
  • Per Andy, Banner 8/9 upgrades are running smoothly and on target.
  • The campus should be switching to using Banner 9 by July 1.
  • Banner 8 upgrades were recently completed.
  • Next step is getting Banner 9 on the server, but that will not be for another few weeks.
  • Banner 8 and 9 will be able to run concurrently for a little while to help with the switch over.
  • Once Banner 9 on the production server, everyone should start switching over to utilizing Banner 9.
  1. E-Mail Update
  2. Retiree E-Mail
  • Andy mentioned there was a brief discussion about abandoning the retiree email accounts.
  • Daniels was approached and spoken with about keeping the accounts and she agreed to keep the retiree email accounts in place.
  1. E-Mail Retention Policy
  • Currently, we have a 7-year email retention policy in place.
  • Andy found the 7 years retention to be too long to keep emails and is proposing to significantly reducing the amount of time in keeping emails.
  • There are legal stipulations in keeping certain emails longer than a couple years. For example, if an email is related to financial situations, then the emails will be kept in line with financial legal stipulations.
  • Per Mark, Everything related to email is currently kept for 7 years, even relating to the email calendar.
  1. Technology Master Plan Update
  • All committee members received a copy of the technology “I wish I could…” list that was drafted from a December 2017 ITC special meeting.
  • Andy and Mark informed the members that the list has been reviewed and the green-highlighted items are currently in existence and in place, but are in need of better awareness of their existence.
  • The remaining listed items will be turned into the next technology 5-year plan.
  • If anyone has any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT department.
  1. Next Meeting:  Friday, March 16, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. (S-11)


The meeting adjourned at 11:56 a.m.