May 12, 2020 Meeting



Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Zoom Conference:

8:10 am – 9:00 am


  1. Review/Update
    1. Draft Letters
    2. Bylaws
    3. Timeline


  1. 2020 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony


  1. Other


  1. Fall 2020 Meeting Schedule-TBD



Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Zoom Conference

8:10 am – 9:00 am


Members Present: Tony Thompson, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Severo Balason, Kanoe Bandy, Dr. Debra Daniels, Susan Groveman,  Bill Norris, and Jan Ashley.
Recorder: Melissa Blanco



  • Review/Update
    • Draft Letters –Darcy has drafted the letters and invites. Darcy may add a time-limit to of 2 – 2.5 mins for inductees to share a few remarks when they are introduced and presented their award.  Darcy also asked committee members to verbally communicate this request as well.  Darcy also stated she drafted letters for to notify those nominees on the 5-year list.
    • Ceremony Discussion – Kanoe stated she did not like the videos. She stated she preferred the more “personal touch” with actual inductee and nominator speaking on their behalf.  She stated the slide show may be enough.  Bill suggested to possibly use the video at the “Blast from the Past” event.  Craig stated he likes the video and said it was a great look for TC and many people shared it on social media.    The HOF weekender will consist of three events:  (1) Blast from the Past, (2) Campus Tour, and (3) HOF Award Banquet.
    • Bylaws – The Bylaws were reviewed and discussed. It was agreed to revise one of the categories of recognition “Distinguished Classified/Management” into two separate categories as follows:
      • Distinguished Classified
      • Distinguished Confidential
    • The committee also agreed to revise the representation of “voting members” as follows:
        • Add “Confidential Representative”
        • Add Executive Director, Marketing and Community Relations
    • This also includes revising the number “11 Voting members” to “13 voting members”.
    • Other – The committee discussed COVID-19 and its possible effects on the planning of the HOF ceremony. They are unsure if things will be lifted by the time of the next event and if a “live” event will even be allowed.  How will social distancing and such affect the event?  The HOF event may have to be postponed and held in Spring 2021 or Fall 2021.  The committee stated they need to look ahead at a contingency plan for possible Spring 2021 dates such as March 6th and 7th, 2021 or March 13th and 14th, 2021.
    • Inductee Bios – Susan volunteered to help with creating the bios for the 2020 HOF inductees to be placed on the website.


  1. Next Meeting: TBD