October 08, 2019 Meeting



Tuesday, October 8, 2019


8:10 am – 9:00 am



  1. Review of Minutes


  2. Update on action items/other key items for 2019 HOF Ceremony – November 17, 2019/ Ticket sales-RSVP Update


  3. Checklist:
ITEMS RESPONSIBLE PARTY (to be confirmed, if not checked √) CHECK √
Invitations Jennifer
Advertisement Severo/Sara: TC FB, TC News, TC Multiply, Local Papers
National Anthem Severo
Inductee Presenters See below
MC Speakers Kanoe/Darcy  
Budget Severo/Darcy  
Donors/Sponsors Severo/Kanoe  
Food/Location Chicken and tri-tip/OT’s
Plaques Craig
Medallion Engraving Tony  
Decorations Kanoe and others (what time to meet?)  
Rehearsal No rehearsal
Program Darcy  
Name Badges/Lanyards Vicky  
Check-in Jennifer and Norberto  
Tour Tony
Photography/Filming David Thompson  
Slide Show Kanoe  
Champagne Reception Vicky and Jan  


  1. Inductees & Presenters
Dante Scarnecchia Dennis McCall/Jim Anderson?  
Debbie Hegeman  Brock McMurray
Otis Smith Craig Johnson
Patricia Bench Linda West/Don Zumbro/Tony Thompson?  
Thomas Harrell John Downer/Don Bandy?  
1966 Football Team John Downer/Don Bandy/Kanoe Bandy?  


  1. Update from TC Foundation on pre-induction social/meet and greet on Oct 16th
  2. Other
  3. Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 12, 2019 8:10-9:00, S-11



Tuesday, October 8, 2019


8:10 am – 9:00 am

Members Present: Vicky Waugh, Kanoe Bandy, Tony Thompson, Craig Johnson, Dennis McCall, Darcy Bogle, Jan Ashley, Norberto Lopez, Severo Balason
Recorder: Darcy Bogle


  1. Ceremony Details: Sunday, November 17, 2019


    1. Invitations – currently sending out (Jennifer Edmaiston)


    2. Facebook/Newspapers/Advertisement- Press release (done)


    3. Inductee Presenters Volunteers needed   
      1. Eliminate slide show; 2 min video will precede each presentation with voice over by Jeff Lemucchi; Darcy will prepare videos for each inductee & ask Jeff about $75 per min charge. Committee agreed to comp him 2 tickets as well. No introduction for presenter, will be included in program.
      2. New/additional info about inductee should be included in presentation; video will include most info provided in program bio, but not all. Presenter will keep the presentation short.

The following presenters will continue to be narrowed down/confirmed:

Dante Scarnecchia:         Dennis McCall/Sheri Horn-Bunk
Debbie Hegeman:           Brock McMurray
Otis Smith:                         Craig Johnson
Patricia Bench:                  Linda West/Don Zumbro/Tony Thompson
Thomas Harrell:                Kanoe Bandy/Don Zumbro
1966 Football Team:      Dennis McCall/Kanoe Bandy


  1. Audio visual/IT/Equipment– It was agreed to have only one podium & mic.


  1. MC/Physical Program 6:00pm


Severo confirmed Jessica Grimes for singing of the National Anthem


  1. Budget Ticket sales/it was agreed to charge $20 for all children & Craig volunteered to make up the difference.



  1. Sponsors/Donors OTs, Orange Belt Stages, Tony, Bill/Bookstore via medallions/t-shirts…anonymous donor purchased t-shirts for all committee members.







The committee thanked Bill for his medallion contributions and support of the HOF. All 100 medallion sold this year! Bill brought a sample 1966 championship football t-shirt on sale at Bookstore for $24.99. $7.50 of each sale will be given to the HOF.


  1. Payment/RSVPs Apple Pay set up? Request to have the night of. Additional columns to RSVP list? Jennifer will track RSVP list and method of payment.


  1. Food/Location OTs-Itemized food options printout—decide on one option

Recommendation was to go with same food choice as last year, approx. $17.95/plate.


  1. Champagne Reception-5:00pm (Jan/Vicky)


  1. OT’s Beverage Policy $10 cork fee per bottle for wine from donors. Wine/champagne order would need to be placed around first week of October for event if we want OTs to order


  2. Decorations Set up day before/day of? Table cloth and napkin color? Center pieces?


Darcy brought new gold table napkins purchased by TC that will work well with the decorations Kanoe has in mind.


  1. Plaques For all inductees that attend. An 8 x 10 plaque will be ordered for the inductee. As discussed in spring, one ‘perpetual’ plaque will be ordered for display on Hall of Fame wall on campus (final approval and location TBD via Deb) (Craig)


Deb recommended, and committee agreed, to wait on ordering of perpetual plaque until a location has been confirmed to determine size, style, etc. Craig agreed to order individual plaques. It’s hard to determine the number of 1966 plaques at this time.


  1. Medallions We should not need to order more (Craig)


Darcy confirmed we have enough medallions and do not need to order.


  1. Program Complete in-house with Jason Zsiba (Darcy)

    Committee recommended to list all prior HOF inductees in the program, not just the prior year inductees, and remove photos to allow for more space to accommodate all.


  1. Name Badges- Gold colored lanyards for inductees and black for committee members? Do we need to order lanyards (Vicki) Guests and attendees will use sticker name badges? Kanoe confirmed we have plenty of lanyards for the event. Also confirmed we will need new plastic covers.



  1. Photography ????

Committee will hire Tony’s nephew for event & pre party pictures. Committee agreed to include step & repeat for photo opportunity.








  1. Slide-Show Eliminated


  1. Reserved Tables- Reserved tables for inductees attending and their guests, Board members and Committee members?


  1. Ushers Student athletes/volunteers?


  1. Check-In Volunteers needed? Norberto & (Jennifer?)


  1. Tour At noon, meet in front of Student Services/Admin building-lunch provided (Tony)

Tony and Bill discussed hours of tour are approximately noon-3:00. Bill will open Bookstore early and remain open throughout tour.


  1. Rehearsal Presenters to meet at 4:00pm the day of? TBD


  1. Foundation: Interested in hosting inductee celebration on Sat?

The Foundation will host pre-party celebration on Sat. Nov. 16th. Jan Ashley officially invited the committee members to this event.

  1. Future Agenda Items/Action Items


Action Items:


  • Kanoe to check with Orange Belt Stages for sponsorship
  • Craig to order individual plaques for inductees


  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 8:10-9:00, S-11