February 23, 2022 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of Minutes from February meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Bereavement Leave
    2. Academic Freedom


  1. TCFA Scholarships


  1. 50% Law


  1. Other



Feel free to reach out to me or any team member with questions or concerns.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room or by Zoom ID#93911619851 (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for February 23, 2022


Welcome & Introductions

President Payne welcomed faculty.


Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the corrected minutes was made by D. Mitchell with a 2nd from A. Bledsoe. The motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

  1. Mitchell reported an overall balance of $17, 970.68 before lunch.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update:

Topics under review by bargaining team.

A) Bereavement Leave- clarification of language given prolonged time needed for services.


B) Academic Freedom- clarification addition of language to contract. President Payne requested that faculty please email resources or sample language for review.


President Payne updated faculty on an interest to update language for CVC-OEI badged courses. Concerns cited by faculty include- CVC listing and advertisement of courses, review of processes associated with courses being listed on the exchange when there is a change of instructor. A subcommittee was formed to include A. Bledsoe, B. Devine, and K. Kulzer to discuss and explore possible language or issues for consideration.


President Payne updated faculty on a request to increase SLO Coordinator assignment to 50% due to additional requirement for Student Area Outcomes. Request was made to current SLO coordinator to document/list new activities.


TCFA Scholarships
President Payne alerted the faculty that it was time to form the yearly committee for FA Scholarships.  As in the past, students selected could be awarded up to $500. Selection committee volunteers include J. Rangel-Escobedo (lead), D. Bogle, J. Altenhofel, R. Polski, N. Cahoon. A motion by A. Abbott with a 2nd from V. Jacobi to increase the total awards from $4000 to $6000.  The motion carried.


50% Law Update

President Payne shared with faculty she had not yet heard from  EVPB/CFO B. McMurray regarding the annual formation of the 50% Committee meeting and would be following up. President Payne shared that there is typically a review of the calculation by G. Golling.  More to come on this topic.



Announcement of Mobile Clinic here 10 am – 1 pm Student Center. Come by for a booster, testing, or vaccination shot.


Meeting adjourned at 12:51 pm.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room or Zoom ID#93911619851 (Every 4th Wednesday)

Supporting Docs