January 13, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

1. Welcome

2. Approval of Minutes from December meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. TCFCBC Update
a) COVID-19 MOU SP21

5. Other

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom
ID#93911619851 pw was included in email (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association Minutes
January 13, 2021

1. Welcome
President Payne welcomed faculty to the Spring 2021 term.
2. Approval of Minutes from December meeting
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Adam Bledsoe with a 2nd from David Mitchell.
The motion was approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer, David Mitchell, reported an overall balance of $9213.43
a) Update: COVID 19 MOU
President Payne reported that the COVID 19 MOU SP21was approved and would be posted
on the website by the Office of Instruction. President Payne reminded that the only change
was language to the Non-Teaching Faculty who supervised classified staff to be on campus
for a minimum of 24 hours.
b) President Payne shared that the 2022-23 academic calendar was finalized with the only area
of discussion being the February four day weekend. The Academic Calendar was approved at
the December board meeting and is now available on the TC website.
c) TCFCBC meeting for Inservice
President Payne reported that the Spring Inservice meeting had been canceled at the request
of Administration. As was the case last semester, meetings will be held as topics arise.
Pending agenda items include revisiting COVID MOU if necessary for summer and fall as
infection trends across the county are monitored.
5. Other
President Payne reminded faculty of the evaluation procedure and guidelines for class
observation by the VP of Instruction to ensure that the process was followed in accordance with
the contract.
President Payne updated faculty with the Spring 2021 class cancelation notifications from the
Office of Instruction. President Payne reminded faculty of the load obligation of the district and
right of assignment to other duties if load is not met with teaching units/assignments. Overload
is not guaranteed and there are no bumping rights by seniority within the division.
Diane Jones encouraged division chairs to keep track of cancellations as that information will be
helpful in the event of budget cuts and to share that information with the bargaining team.
Greg Golling inquired on the enrollment threshold needed to avoid cancellation. President Payne
reported that VPI Leslie Minor would utilize a variety of factors besides student enrollment
numbers per class including capstone status of course, need for class in order to promote
graduation or progress towards graduation, rotation of course over previous terms.
President Payne updated faculty that the afternoon session of the SLO training has been
cancelled. An email from Joe’ll Chaidez, SLO Coordinator to follow.
Meeting adjourned at 12:55pm.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February24, 2021, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom ID#93911619851
pw included in email (Every 4thWednesday)

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