December 16, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

1. Welcome

2. Approval of Minutes from November meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. TCFCBC Update
a) 2022-23 Academic Calendar sub-committee 1st reading December bd mtg
b) COVID-19 MOU SP21

5. Other

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom
ID#93911619851 (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association Minutes
December 16, 2020

1. Welcome
President Payne welcomed faculty.

2. Approval of Minutes from November meeting
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Greg Golling with a 2nd from Kristi Richards. The
motion was approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer, David Mitchell, reported an overall balance of $8274.06

4. TCFCBC Update:
a) 2022-23 Academic Calendar sub-committee (on Decembers agenda)
President Payne shared that the 2022-23 academic calendar was finalized with the only area
of discussion being the February four day weekend. The first reading is scheduled for the
December board meeting. Once approved the Academic Calendar will be available on the TC

b) COVID 19 MOU SP21
President Payne shared that the continuation of the MOU was discussed during the
November TCFCBC meeting. President Payne reported the only change was a request from
Administration to change to Non-Teaching Faculty who supervised classified staff to be on
campus a minimum of 24 hours each week. President Payne stated that she and the team had
spoken with the individuals effected by the change prior to today. A motion was made by D.
Jones with a 2nd from S. Eveland to ratify the S21 COVID19 MOU with these changes. The
motion was unanimously approved.

5. Other
President Payne reminded the faculty of the updated notice from Dean Martinez to please submit
grades by 12/21/20.

Diane Jones reminded faculty who are on the evaluation cycle that student evaluations could be
accessed by contacting Danielle in the Office of Instruction after grades were posted.President Payne wished the faculty a safe and happy holiday break.

Meeting adjourned at 12:25pm.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January13, 2021, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom ID#93911619851 pw
will be emailed (Every 4thWednesday)

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