February 25, 2015 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from January meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Cash balance


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Club Advisor Compensation
    2. Division Chair Compensation
    3. Retiree Health Benefits for new employees
    4. Student Evaluations
    5. Adjunct Compensation


  1. Scholarship Committee (Applications available March 27, 2015, Deadline for selection of recipients April 17, 2015.)


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Call to order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m..


Approval of Minutes

Dr. David Layne motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Kelly Kulzer. The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Cash Balance

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported a balance of $10,616.27 before lunch.


TCFCBC Bargain Update

A). Club Advisor Compensation:

President Diane Jones reported that the Administration and the bargaining team did not reach consensus on compensation. The bargaining team offered the option of 1 hour/week (~$1,100), countered by the Administration’s option of $800/semester (12 hours/semester) based on some data indicating this amount. Additionally, the Administration clarified that this stipend would be applicable to eight clubs, excluding PTK and Dental Hygiene. President Jones explained that the stipend would be classified as an extra duty assignment, and therefore, advertised through Human Resources (HR). The conversation ended with the following points: faculty still have the option to bypass compensation, although the ASB process must be followed; while $800 may be the status quo, according to the Administration’s research, the hour amount is still negotiable; if a consensus is reached for a stipend, it will be reflected on the salary schedule and subject to COLA.


B). Division Chair Compensation:

President Jones updated the Association with the following summary: this issue is in progress with the subcommittee, which has met, and will go through the bargaining process once sufficient data has been gathered.


  1. C) Retiree Health Benefits:

President Jones updated the Association with the following summary: the bargaining team may not get to this item this semester as it has been tabled.


D). Student Evaluations:

President Jones provided the Association’s feedback on this issue to Dr. Dena Maloney, Vice President Mark Williams, and HR Director Jana Peters. HR reported all evaluations were scanned by December 9th but that a miscommunication between the Office of Instruction and HR occurred, hence the confusion over when the evaluations were sent to faculty. Additionally, President Jones indicated that communication has been rectified.


E). Adjunct Compensation:

President Jones thanked Kanoe Bandy and Greg Golling for bringing a compensation issue in which adjuncts had not been paid since the fall of 2013 for general lab at the 1:1 ratio. The confusion emanated from the Office of Instruction mistakenly thinking the adjuncts had been overpaid confusing the distinction between extensive and general labs, which are paid differently for full-time faculty at different ratios. However, according to past practice, adjuncts have always been paid at the 1:1 ratio. Therefore, the Administration has agreed to retroactively compensate over $44,000 to 26 adjunct faculty at the current salary schedule by March 15th. President Jones stressed that this issue is confidential and that the Administration plans to contact each person affected via email. The resolution of this issue will be recorded in the minutes of the March TCFCBC meeting.


Scholarship Committee

President Jones reminded the Association of the pending deadline, March 20th; March 27th through April 17th is the selection period. President Jones also mentioned that Juana Escobedo, one of the committee members (David Layne, Diane Jones, and Juana Escobedo), indicated a concern over a potential conflict of interest since her son will be applying for the scholarship. She suggested Candace Duron as a possible replacement. Kelly Kulzer volunteered to replace her, and President Jones mentioned she will ask Duron if she’s interested. Before approving the amount of $3,000, which was reported in the minutes, President Jones asked the Association about the $400 reserved for the scholarship in Professor Emeritus Linda West’s name. Kulzer mentioned that West would probably want to be included in this discussion, so it was tabled.


Some discussion ensued over whether an Association member’s relative should automatically receive a scholarship. The question was raised of whether the language specified Association relatives as potential recipients. While the precedent has been to award relatives of Association members, the decision was made to grant the committee the flexibility to determine whom to select. David Reynold’s made a motion to approve $3,000 with the amendment that if an Association member’s relative applies, then s/he would receive a scholarship from the Association. Tony Thompson seconded the motion, which was approved.



Greg Golling reported that at the February 23rd Division Chairs meeting, Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams indicated he planned to mandate all faculty to attend a presentation. Others explained that Williams plans to use $2,500 of Equity funds to bring a demographer from University of Southern California for two sessions: a morning session at 10 am with all faculty and an afternoon session at 12 pm for Student Access and Student Success Committee members. It was also mentioned that Williams plans to check before mandating. President Jones clarified that, in the past, meetings had only been mandated for in-service but not during the semester. Dan Hall mentioned that the presentation will be live-streamed and archived.



The meeting adjourned at 12:53 p.m..

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